Addressing Food Insecurity

The Backpack Program has been a part of Alliance’s culture since 2010. Food insecurity has been in the forefront recently, because of all the obstacles Covid-19 brings. Unfortunately, it’s been an issue here for quite awhile now. Serving 227 students from Kindergarten through the Alternative school, the need for the Backpack Program grows each year.

Troop 10202, in Alliance gives their time on occasion, filling bags for the students with non-perishable food to eat over weekends and school breaks. They also help with setup for the next week. Courtney Cox and Shawna Banks spent last Monday evening finding joy in helping others. The other member of the troop, Chloe Blumanthal was doing home care for a family member and couldn’t make it this time. All three girls are planning another day of service to this program soon.

If you are interested in giving food or monetary donations, please call Cheryl Harris at 308-760-7629. She has a list of items they are always needing and would be happy to talk with you. She is also looking for a few more volunteers on Monday nights from 5:00-7:00pm. Cheryl sustains this program with a mix of generous donations, by writing grants and benefitting from a food drive that Saint Agnes Academy hosts from year to year.

Bags of food are taken to each of the public schools by a volunteer, and distributed on Fridays by the school counselors. If you are in need of this service, please reach out to your school counselor.

Girl Scouts is proud to partner with such an incredible program. Thank you Troop 10202! You are such great role models for our younger Scouts.