AHS Class of 1963 Celebrates Reunion

The AHS Class of 1963 celebrated their 60th reunion on July 22. Pictured are: Front Row L-R: Judi Adkins, Shirley Delmont, Louise Knapp, Pat Howell, Sandi O’Brien, Jerri Nyffler, Loretta Rockey; Second Row: Lillie Lee, Kelley Wacher, Yvette Englehaupt, Connie Underwood, Randy Garrett; Third Row: Arth Garibay, Tom Stark, Bud Morris, John Reno, Roger Adkins, Bob Harvey; Back Row: Robert Furman, Arnie Burnham, Warren Miller, Larry Moomey, Chick Schadwinkel, Jerry Underwood, Dan Nielsen. Attended but not pictured: Terry Annon Schleshly and Jan Brock Holz. Photo Courtesy of Steph’s Studio.