The City of Alliance saw a change in leadership as the city council underwent a reorganization process at its meeting on June 4, with a new council member joining the ranks and a new mayor and vice mayor being appointed.
First, City Clerk Shelbi Pitt administered the oath of office to Tacy Liptack, who was elected to fill the remainder of the term left after the resignation of Mayor Mike Dafney, during the primary election that took place in May. Earl Jones was appointed to serve in the interim until the election, during which time he served as the Mayor of Alliance.

After Liptack took the oath of office, Pitt welcomed her to the Alliance City Council and she took her place among the other council members and the council began the organization process. Council members filed ballots, voting unanimously to appoint Vice Mayor John McGhehey to serve as the Mayor. McGhehey thanked everyone following the vote.
“I will try very hard to live up to that expectation and responsibility,” said McGhehey.
McGhehey then asked council members to complete their ballots to appoint a council member to serve as Vice Mayor. After collecting the ballots, he announced that the council was unanimous in appointing Council Member Tearza Mashburn to serve as Vice Mayor.
(Photos by Kathryn Friedrichsen)