Alliance Man Receives Prison Sentence in Child Pornography Case

“These are deeply troubling cases, disturbing cases. The victim was a child, and you exploited her. It is anathema to the law; it is anathema to society as a whole,” said District Court Judge Derek Weimer before delivering a prison sentence to an Alliance man who was found guilty of manufacturing the visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct.

Angello Warfield, 29, of Alliance, appeared in Box Butte County District Court on Nov. 27 for sentencing in a case where he was accused of manufacturing several sexually explicit images involving a juvenile, who was 15 years old at the time, during a four-month period from December 2021 and March 2022, according to the arrest warrant filed against Warfield.

Warfield was arrested in May 2023, and charged with one count of manufacturing child pornography, a class 1D felony and six counts of possession of child pornography, each count a class 2A felony. A plea agreement was entered in the case in October, dismissing the six counts of possession, in exchange for Warfield pleading no contest to the remaining charge.

At the sentencing, Judge Weimer read the Nebraska Sex Offender Registration Act in the courtroom, before asking Warfield to sign the registration notice document. Prosecutor Mary Marcum asked for the court to consider the impact on the victim when imposing a sentence.

“This offense has impacted her in every shape,” said Marcum. “He states he does not remember the offense, but she certainly does.”

Warfield’s attorney Stacy Bach said that in reviewing the pre-sentence investigation, Warfield does not show any violent or serious offenses in his past. At the time of the sentencing, she noted, Warfield had already spent 199 days in jail. She explained that this incident and the events that have transpired since have weighed on Warfield, emphasizing that the images were not distributed and that there was no violence.

When asked if he had anything to say before receiving a sentence, Warfield said, “I’m ready to accept whatever you pronounce and work toward bettering myself.”

Judge Weimer told Warfield he read the entire pre-sentence investigation prior to the sentencing. He said it was clear the images were created for exploitation, stating, “they are prurient; they are deviant.” Judge Weimer sentenced Warfield to serve not less than 17 years and not more than 27 years in the Nebraska Department of Corrections, with credit for 199 days served. He ordered Warfield to be transferred to Lincoln County to await sentencing in a case filed in Hooker County. Sentencing was scheduled for December 4. According to Hooker County Attorney George Vinton, Warfield was sentenced to a prison term of two years, to be served concurrently with the sentence passed in Box Butte County.

In that case, Warfield was charged with third degree sexual assault of a child, a class 3A felony, which was reduced to one count of attempted sexual assault of a child, a class 4 felony. According to court documents filed in the case, the incident from which the charge arose occurred in December 2021.