Alliance Woman Charged With Attempted Murder

An Alliance woman is facing multiple felony charges resulting from an incident in July in which she allegedly stabbed her husband.

Rebecca Ashing, 29, of Alliance, is facing charges of Attempted First Degree Murder, a class 2 Felony, Use of a Deadly Weapon to Commit a Felony, a class 2 Felony, First Degree Domestic Assault, a class 2A felony, and Second Degree Domestic Assault, a Class 3A Felony. Ashing’s case was recently bound over to Box Butte County District Court.

According to court records, law enforcement officers were called to the 400 block of Potash Avenue on July 13 at approximately 5:55 p.m. on the report of a man who had been stabbed. When the officers arrived, they found a man kneeling in the street covered in blood. The man told officers he had been stabbed in his chest, and when officers asked him who inflicted the wound, he told them it was his wife, Rebecca Ashing.

The man was transported to the hospital, where they found a laceration to the left side of his neck and a stab wound on the left side of his chest, which caused his lung to fill with blood.

The man told officers that he and his wife were sitting on a couch in the living room when his wife stood up and asked him for a hug.

“(The man) said he went to hug her and noticed she had her right hand hidden behind her back,” the records state. “(The man) said at this point Ashing swung a knife at him and stabbed him in the side of his neck.”

According to the court records, he told officers he pushed his wife away and ran outside, calling 911. He said he was standing near the garage of the residence when his wife came outside and, “stabbed him again in the chest.”

When officers made contact with the man, they located him several houses north of the residence. They placed Ashing under arrest. Officers identified a laceration to one of her fingers and she was transported to Box Butte General Hospital.

She was then transported to the Box Butte County Jail, where her bond was set at $500,000–10%. She is expected to be arraigned in Box Butte County District Court later this month.