AMS Ends Undefeated with Wins over Chadron, Mitchell

For the second straight year the Alliance Middle School football was perfect. The Bulldogs close their seventh grade year with a perfect 6 and 0 record a year ago and followed it up as 8th graders by finishing with another 6 and 0 record. On Tuesday, the Dogs downed Chadron 20 to 0 and ended the year with a 30 to 13 victory over Mitchell. Both games were played on the road.

Defense was solid against Chadron from the jump. Defensive back Tanner Salcido gave AMS the early momentum with a pick which was returned to the 7 yard line. The interception covered 28 yards gave the Dogs the ball inside the 10 yard line. Coy Childers would race around the left end for the opening Alliance score. A successful extra point run by Caysen Robertson made the score 8 to 0 in favor of Alliance in the opening minutes of the first period.

The period would end with a Chadron three and out and an Alliance turnover. A sack by Bulldog Jaden Guerra foiled the next Cardinal drive and AMS for the ball back at midfield as AMS would stop a fake punt attempt by the hosts. Robertson would throw for the next Alliance score connecting with Childers on a 55 yard half back pass. The pat was no good. The half ended with no more points and AMS up 14 to 0.

A nice kick return by Smiley Valdovines gave Alliance the ball at midfield in the third. The Bulldog would turn the ball over on downs on an unsuccessful attempt on fourth down. Another sack by Guerra ended the quarter with AMS up 14 to 0. On the first play of the fourth Robertson continued his big day, roaring in from midfield. The touchdown run covered 48 yards. The extra point was no good. The rest of the final eight minutes saw big plays of defense by Guerra and Preston Flores to keep the Cardinals off the board. Alliance would run out the final minutes and go on the W.

AMS 8 6 0 6 20

Chad 0 0 0 0 0

In Saturday’s match up against the Tigers from Mitchell the Bulldogs used the same formula of a strong running game and a stout defense to gain the victory. Early on both teams found the going tough. A Tiger fumble gave AMS the ball deep into Mitchell territory. Quarterback Jay Shelmadine connected with to Robertson for the game’s first score.

The play covered 15 yards and following a pat run by Childers the Bulldog led 8 to 0. In the second the Dogs went to the air again. A big pass from Robertson to Childers got Alliance close. The drive ended with a touchdown strike from Salcido to Jackson Devlin which covered 25 yards. Robertson tacked on the pat as the Bulldog led grew to 16 to 0. An interception and long return by Wyatt Stabnow set up AMS’s next score. Shelmadine found Salcido in the corner on the end zone for the Bulldog’s third score. The extra point was no good. Mitchell answered right back on the half’s final play scoring on 60 yard touchdown pass. The half ended with AMS up 22 to 6.

The final half saw another score by Robertson. It came from the 9 yard line. Big gains by Robertson and Childers set the Bulldog score. Valdovinos scored the point after as the Dog lead grew to 30 to 6. Alliance’s defense continued shine for the rest of the quarter, shutting out the Tigers.

The quarter with the Dogs still up 30 to 6. The game’s final score was by the hosts as Mitchell would score on 11 yard touchdown pass. The extra point kick was good, putting the score at 30 to 13. The Dogs would recover the ensuing on side kick and run out the final seconds. Final AMS 30 Mitchell 13

AMS 8 14 8 0 30

MITCH 0 6 0 7 13