APD Chief Set to Resign in Mid-September

A new release from Alliance City Manager Seth Sorensen on Thursday morning announced the departure of Alliance Police Department Chief Phillip Lukens, who submitted a resignation effective on Sept. 15.

Lukens has served in the role since December 2020, when he was tapped to fill the role after the retirement of Chief John Kiss. Lukens said that the combined efforts of community members and a dedicated staff have made the work of protecting the community a success.

“I want to emphasize, first and foremost, that none of these accomplishments would have been attainable without the unwavering dedication of our diligent staff, who have tirelessly supported our community and supported change,” said Lukens. “Equally deserving of recognition are the members of our community themselves, who have actively contributed to our transformative journey through their engagement, invaluable feedback, and enthusiastic participation. The combined efforts of our community and the dedicated police department staff have been instrumental in making these achievements possible, and it has been an honor for me to serve as a facilitator of this collaborative progress.”

When asked what he sees as his greatest accomplishments, Lukens responded with 36 items from acquiring more than $1 million in grants and improving staffing efficiency to receiving CALEA accreditation in July 2023 and launching the Volunteers in Policing (VIPs) Program.

During Lukens’ time as chief, the Alliance Police Department also became the first agency in the state of Nebraska to participate in PAARI, which is an initiative that supports those suffering from chemical dependency disorder.

Lukens said that his leadership led to national recognition in Police Magazine as one of the Innovative Leaders of 2022.

“In conclusion, our efforts have not only yielded impressive statistical outcomes but have also led to a significant enhancement in community trust, appreciation, and satisfaction,” Lukens said. “The community now perceives a heightened sense of safety and an enhanced connection with their police department, signifying a lasting legacy of progress and collaborative partnership destined to be remembered for generations to come.”

Lukens said that the department’s greatest strengths is having dedicated staff members who serve the community, and community members who collaborate with the department. He hopes that in the future, staff compensation will be increased to better match national standards and to make recruitment and retention easier.

“As we embark on the journey ahead, it becomes evident that one of the primary areas deserving attention from the incoming chief is recruitment and retention,” said Lukens. “It is important to note that our dedicated staff members are currently compensated at a rate significantly lower than the national average. This situation places constraints on our ability to attract lateral recruits and new talent to the force. To address this challenge effectively, it is imperative that we offer competitive compensation packages that align with national standards.

“While I acknowledge the attractiveness of alternative opportunities, such as employment with the railroad or other agencies, creating an environment where our officers are not compelled to leave Alliance in pursuit of higher wages is important,” Lukens said. “Enhancing recruitment and retention efforts and ensuring our officers are compensated fairly, can continue to strengthen our police force and maintain the exceptional level of service that our community deserves.”

Lukens encourages whoever is appointed as the next Alliance Chief of Police to prioritize community engagement and to maintain those relationships that have been formed between community members and the department. He also recommends maintaining the CALEA accreditation

“Furthermore, I recommend upholding our CALEA accreditation as it not only serves as a symbol of our commitment to excellence but also provides a crucial framework for ensuring consistency and professionalism within our staff and engenders trust within our community. It is imperative that we continue to meet and exceed the rigorous standards set by CALEA, reinforcing our dedication to delivering the highest quality of law enforcement services while fostering transparency and accountability.”

When asked what lies ahead for him, Lukens said that he is thrilled about dedicating more time to his family.

“As for the path that lies ahead, it remains uncertain,” said Lukens. “However, it is this very uncertainty that carries with it the seeds of endless possibilities and new adventures. I embrace the future with open arms, ready to explore the exciting directions it may take me. The journey ahead is bound to be as inspiring as the journey behind, and I look forward to making a meaningful difference in the lives of many, just as we have together during my time here.”

Sorensen said that Lieutenant Kirk Felker has been appointed to serve as Interim Police Chief while the city conducts a search for the next Alliance Chief of Police.

“On behalf of the City of Alliance, we wish Chief Lukens the very best in his future endeavors,” Sorensen said in the release.