APS Board Must Put Kids First

Everyday we hear about the spread of the Corona Virus in Alliance. We hear more kids in our Alliance Schools are being sent home for isolation or quarantine.

Just in the last few days, the Alliance High School had so many kids out on isolation or quarantine they had to have help from the Alumni for the homecoming events and move functions around so the kids could participate.

Nebraska State Health has moved Alliance and Box Butte County into high risk category. The only county in the Panhandle to hold this distinction. This Alliance School Board continues to run off the rails while kids and families get sick because of your inaction.

Alliance School Board this not what you were elected for. Your job is to take care of our kids and you’re doing a sorry job. Alliance School Board you can’t continue to ignore Panhandle Health District and Nebraska State Health Department.

Alliance Public Schools are becoming a super spreader in western Nebraska. Every large school in the Panhandle is trying to stop the spread by wearing masks and following guidelines of Nebraska State Health and you continue to ignore everybody.

If Alliance Public Schools had been wearing masks since school started there would be no mass spreading, and no kids would be going home every day for isolation. Only kids going home would be the kids that have Corona Virus for quarantine. Alliance School Board you need to do your job and put our kids first not last.

-Stephen Guy
