Area Youth Attend Log N 4-H Camp

Nebraska Extension in the Panhandle held the kick-off event for the new leadership program Leadership Opportunities for Growth in Nebraska 4-H (LOG N 4-H) on May 25-26th at the State 4-H Camp in Halsey.

Thirty-one students from across the Panhandle attended the two-day camp that focused on developing leadership skills by identifying their personality colors and other traits; self-confidence challenges, such as the zip-line, and team building activities, including the trust course, canoeing, and program goal setting.

The camp helped the youth realized that everyone can be a leader and make their community a better place. The county groups will continue to meet to work on local projects and continue developing leadership skills throughout the year. Youth will also be involved in a community service project and are encouraged to continue to learn about leadership and college and career readiness skills through Next Chapter camps.

The students evaluated their leadership camp experience positively. Seventy-three percent agreed or strongly agreed that they are more confident in their abilities to positively influence their community; 52 percent strongly agreed young people have important leadership role in their community; and 42 percent strongly agreed they are able to serve as a leader in their community and create positive change in their community.

Those attending included: Jackson Devlin from Box Butte County; Madysyn Bopp from Cherry County; Miranda Betson, Tripton Stec, and Garett Tollman from Dawes County; Sophia Lanman, Ella Stanley, and Annlyn Wilson from Deuel County; Kirstyn Beberniss, Korryn Beberniss, Cable Botha, Carver Corfield, Jadynn Dawkins, Chanley Loomis, Gracie Loyd, Shaylee Norris, Jase Roberson, Naomi Sickler, Alex Sissel from Garden County; Taryn Namuth from Keith County; Orren Spalding from Morrill County; Boone Button from Sioux County; Hadley Banks, Mikaylee Campbell, Grace Freeseman, Aiden Heiser, Kynsleigh Krebs, Kannon Leeper, Jackson Roffers, Payton Scott, Kinley Tausan from Sheridan County.