Arthur County High School Student Chosen as Scholarship Recipient

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, 219 boys graduated from Cornhusker Boys State. This week-long program, held on University of Nebraska – Lincoln’s campus, is sponsored by the Nebraska American Legion. The course brings boys from every corner of Nebraska to Lincoln to form a mythological 51st state. Boys are split up into eight towns and under the supervision of a Senior and two Junior counselors. They hold elections, overseen by volunteers from Nebraska’s Secretary of State’s office, draft and introduce bills, and take part in a myriad of classes that are designed to help them understand our political system. The newly elected Governor of Cornhusker Boys’ State, Amish Amin, of Millard North High School, was sworn in by Chief Justice Reagan Wentzel. Following the swearing in, Governor Amin gave a heartfelt speech thanking his parents and siblings, his other 218 brothers in Boys State, and his faith in God.

The guest speaker at graduation, President of University of Nebraska – Lincoln, Ted Carter, gave a very warm keynote address letting the boys know that not everything goes to plan but you take what you are dealt and do what you can to make yourself better. Then in a most surprising and unexpected moment, he said that every graduating 2023 Boys State student is now authorized a $500 scholarship to be used at the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, or one of its outlying campuses.

Cornhusker Boys’ State Program Director Dave Salak said, “We had a remarkable year and our counselors and volunteers performed admirably as always. Millard North pulled off the 3-peat with the last three Governors elected at Boys State all coming from Millard North. And for President Carter to offer that spur-of-the-moment scholarship was just icing on the cake.”

Two delegates were chosen to represent Cornhusker Boys State at the American Legion’s Boys Nation program in Washington, DC later this summer. They are Nayan Vel of Millard North and Port Nelson of Lincoln Southeast.

Justin Wenzel of Arthur County High School was chosen as the 2023 Nebraska Samsung Scholarship recipient. Wenzel’s application has been submitted to the National American Legion to be considered for one of the $20,000 scholarships.

The American Legion is dedicated to the motto of “Veterans Strengthening America.” Chartered by Congress in 1919, The American Legion is committed to mentoring youth and sponsoring wholesome community programs, advocating patriotism and honor, promoting a strong national security, and continued devotion to servicemembers and veterans. Legionnaires in more than 12,500 posts across the nation and regions overseas serve their communities with a devotion to mutual helpfulness.