Making their way to Broken Bow on April 9, the Alliance Boys and Girls Track took eighth and ninth place, respectively, at the Broken
Shaun Friedrichsen, Co-Publisher
Alliance Golfers Take First in Sidney
Battling the wind, and seven other teams, the Alliance Boys Golf Team took first place at the Sidney Golf Invitational, scoring a combined 339
Horses are Great Therapists
If you’ve spent time around horses, you already know about the physical and mental benefits resulting from grooming, riding, and caring for these animals.
April Blizzards Bring…
April showers brings May flowers…or if you live in Alliance, the possibility of a blizzard. You just never know! When not sledding, its always
Last Minute Change Indicates Possible End to City Manager Search
A last-minute update to the agenda for Tuesday’s Alliance City Council Meeting indicated a possible end to the search for a new city manager,
COVID Variant Identified in Panhandle
A more contagious and severe strain of the COVID-19 virus has been identified in the Panhandle, leading officials to urge people to take steps
First Half of Property Taxes Due
Box Butte County Treasurer Valery Bell reminds residents the first half of the 2020 real estate taxes and personal property taxes are due April
Alliance to Welcome New Restaurant
On Monday, the city of Alliance was announced as the 88th location in the Runza Restaurant chain as Neal and Lora Blomenkamp plan to
Unattended Death in Dawes County Under Investigation
An unattended death is under investigation in Dawes County after officials were called to an apartment in Chadron in which 27-year-old Dylan Shoemaker was
Expecting Great Things
Hopefully April showers will bring May flowers, and bring them to our wonderful sunken garden that is underway for a remodel! At the end