BBDC Announces 2020 Awards



Box Butte Development Corporation (BBDC) and Tourism is a Public-Private Partnership that serves as the economic development agency for all of Box Butte County. It is our mission to “Maintain, Enhance, and Diversify the economy of Box Butte County, Nebraska.”

Due to COVID, we were unable to hold our traditional annual meeting and awards banquet in November. However, we still felt it was important to recognize the businesses that still made an impact. This year’s recipients are very deserving as they all have invested a lot of time, money, and resources into the business despite trying times right now.

The BBDC Board of Directors, is thrilled to announce this years recipients. Entrepreneur of the Year is given to an individual or partnership that has shown strength and progress toward the mission of Box Butte Development Corporation. This year we wish to recognize Brian Jelinek, of Jelinek Custom Cleaning, for his relocation and expansion of his plant. He is now located just North of the railroad tracks off CR 58, or NW of Parker-Hannifin. Ag continues to be the backbone of Box Butte County.

Our Business of the Year awards recognize the importance of constant, committed work needed for a positive direction in increasing the vitality of the area through retention, relocation, beginning or expanding a business, and the creation of jobs. This year our Small Business of the Year is Carter’s Home Hardware & Appliance. “Greg & Lisa Carter, thank you for believing in Alliance and expanding your business. We wish you continued success and congrats on your first anniversary in the new location,” said Chelsie Herian, BBDC Executive Director

Large Business of the Year went to the Hemingford Clinic, an arm of GNMSS. This recent addition to the Village of Hemingford is a tremendous asset and enhancement to the quality of life for Hemingford residents. Great work Dale Wood Construction.

Last but certainly not least, our Tourism Partner of the Year is given to a partnership, business, or individual for their creative involvement in event creation, promotional efforts, visitor attraction and community enrichment. This year it was awarded to Becci Thomas of the Knight Museum & Sandhills Center. “Becci is a constant voice and advocate for local tourism, consistently bringing fresh ideas to the table, and willing to help in any way possible. As a regional historian and with her years of experience in the tourism industry, she has been an amazing resource and always available when questions arise,” said Amity Palmer, Director of Tourism at BBDC.

In other business, we retired three board members, John McGhehey – Alliance Development Corporation, Chris Mischnick – Mischnick Contractors & Builders, Matt Lakes – Parker-Hannifin, and elected two new members, Trabor Bauer – Bauer Farms and Jake Andersen – Parker-Hannifin. I want to thank our three outgoing members for their time and dedication in making Box Butte County better, and welcome our two newbies to the team.

As the director for the past 10 years, I am honored to get to work with the people I do and the many projects that seem to be going on all at once. I wish these businesses and every business in Box Butte County continued success and prosperity. You all are keeping Box Butte County thriving. When one is successful, we are all successful.