The Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH) Board of Trustees met at noon Monday, November 25th, in the Alliance Room of BBGH. This month’s agenda included discussion of the financial audit, a quality management and safety report, the rise in respiratory illnesses, and an overview of the Nebraska Hospital Association (NHA) Policy Development Committee meeting. Board members approved credentialing requests, the consent calendar, and the financial report as presented.
The BBGH board members heard from CPA Kurt Moural from DAE, LLC who presented the drafted financial audit report for the June 30, 2024 fiscal year end. The final report for the fiscal audit will be presented for approval at the December board meeting.
The Quality & Safety report was presented by Quality Management Specialist Summer Gonzalez. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) have updated measures for the state directed payment program. There has been additional reporting on respiratory illnesses through the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) including hospitalizations and bed capacity for COVID, RSV, and influenza. A meeting with senior leadership was held for a quality inventory and assessment. The public will be able to access information regarding BBGH’s leadership, strategic planning, culture of safety, accountability and transparency, and patient and family engagement on the CMS website (
Due to Hurricane Helene, there were supply interruptions nationally for IV fluids and blood pressure cuffs. However, Gonzalez stated, “The BBGH team, in collaboration with the Material Management Department took proactive measures which increased our quantities and kept us in good status.” CEO Lori Mazanec commented, “We haven’t had to delay or postpone any surgeries, where other hospitals around us have.”
Board member Tom Furman questioned Chief of Staff Dr. Timothy Narjes about the incidence of RSV in the community. Dr. Narjes confirmed that there has been an increase in the number of respiratory illnesses including Pertussis (whooping cough), nationally and locally. Chief Medical Officer Dr. Brian Shelmadine shared that Panhandle Public Health District is recommending that anyone who presents with symptoms should receive a respiratory panel to clarify the numbers of each illness including COVID, Pertussis, influenza, and RSV.
The hospital will launch a respiratory health awareness campaign, providing educational materials and resources to assist the community during the cold and flu season.
CEO Lori Mazanec also gave a debrief over the NHA Policy Development meeting. Mazanec spoke about the trends in healthcare and the implications of the recent election for hospitals. The new administration along with the bills passed in Nebraska will impact the hospital in time. “NHA is encouraging hospitals to take part in economic development,” Mazanec stated, “as we are a huge driver of what can happen in the community.”
New employees for November include Teacher Aides Alicia Brave and Kayla Silletto, Staff Nurses Casey Shaw, Lynne Beckstead, Penny Bilben, and Ryley Johnson,
Surgical Tech Empress-Jordan Tisnor, Imaging Tech Dana Rieck, Unit Clerk Tina Standage, and Crisis Response Samantha Gilkerson.
The meeting adjourned at 1:10 p.m. with the board entering an executive session. The next BBGH board meeting is Monday, December 23, 2024 at noon in the Alliance Room. The public is welcome to attend.