BBGH Board Hears of Need for Mental Health Services

The Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH) Board of Trustees meeting was called to order at noon Tuesday, May 28, in the Alliance Room of BBGH. This month’s agenda included a report on the Region 1 Behavioral Health Services and Building Blocks Playschool. The consent calendar, April financial statements, and credentialing were all approved as presented.

Quality Management Specialist Summer Gonzalez presented a report on the Region 1 Behavioral Health Services provided at BBGH. Through Region 1, BBGH is contracted to provide emergency behavioral health services through crisis response and emergency psych evaluations. When an emergency response is initiated, a behavioral health specialist will meet with the patient in the Emergency Room and provide assessments, recommendations, and resources, and coordinate transfers if necessary.

BBGH’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) for 2024-2026 identifies mental health and substance abuse as a priority area.

During her report, Gonzalez expressed that there is a continued need for mental health services in the area and that use of these emergency services has risen the past few years, especially when it comes to youth in the area.

“The number of youths [accessing behavioral health services] have increased, and have continued to increase every year,” she said. “So, we went from several years ago where we were at about 19% of our total assessments were under the age of 19. Now we are at almost half.”

Childcare Center Director Shannon Seidler presented a brief update on Building Blocks Playschool to the Board. She said that they have introduced developmental screening for the kids attending the playschool. Each screening varies between age ranges and cover key skills that kids should know at that age. If there are skills on a child’s screening that they are struggling with, the teachers take those components and incorporate them into their lesson plans.

Seidler also mentioned that as soon as additional employees are hired, they are looking to expand hours to accommodate BBGH staff that come to work before 7 a.m. Currently, Building Blocks Playschool is hiring a teacher assistant. To apply, please visit

Finally, the Board approved the USDA Facility Plan 2024 resolution.

New employees recognized during the meeting included Patient Admissions Clerks Brittany Jacobs and Tamra Petty, Radiology Technologist Addison Lewis, Laundry Tech Irene Lone-Wolf, and Assistant Cook Raymond Tullier. The Board also recognized the May Employee of the Month, Occupational Therapist Hannah Crank.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 p.m. with no executive session. The next BBGH Board meeting will be at noon on Monday, June 24, in the Alliance Room. The public is invited to attend.