BBGH Brings Awareness to Men’s Health

“The great man is always the man of mighty effort.” Empowering words said by the late Theodore Roosevelt. Men are the embodiment of honesty, strength, courage, and dependability. Each of those values may be personified or symbolized differently per the individual. Men traditionally have lived out these values by being the provider for their family, holding a high-powered job, or participating in the sport of hunting. Today, men aren’t ought to live their values by a passé methodology. Men can benevolently be nurses, stay-at-home fathers, or hair stylists. Whichever is the chosen course, the importance of a man’s health is incontestable.

The best tool for a man to build a sustained and robust life is his health. A healthy eating regimen and regular physical activity are supportive to the aforementioned, as well as regular screenings and wellness checks.

Men 20 – 30 years of age should receive the following at their annual wellness check:

• Influenza immunization

• Tetanus booster (every 10 years)

• HPV (if under 26 and haven’t yet received it)

• Whooping cough (unless already received)

• Cholesterol test

• Blood pressure test

• Sexually transmitted disease test (for sexually active men)

Men 40 – 50 years of age should receive the following tests at their annual wellness check:

• Colorectal cancer

• Cancer

• Prostate cancer

• Type 2 diabetes

• Osteoporosis (for men 50 years +)

Men 50+ years of age should receive the following at their annual wellness check

• Shingles immunization (unless already received)

• Pneumonia immunization (at 65 years of age)

• Abdominal aortic aneurysm test (for men who smoke or have previously smoked)

• Osteoporosis (for men with risk factors)