BBGH November Board Meeting Discussions

The monthly Box Butte General Hospital Board Meeting was called to order at 12:01 p.m. on Monday, November 27th. The topics of discussion included recruitment effort updates, the appointment of a new leadership role (Chief Medical Officer), and approval of the financial report and annual employee gift.

Employee recognitions were also acknowledged, including Staff Nurse Haley Orr, RN as Employee of the month, Dr. Brian Shelmadine as the new Chief Medical Officer, and new employees: Admissions Clerk Theresa Broad, Teacher Aide Brionna Schoeneman, and Environmental Services Tech Makayla Luce.

Special Services Associate Summer Gonzalez provided the quality and safety report. She shared COVID numbers are currently increasing within the organization, and that free at-home tests are available on Chief of Staff Dr. Timothy Narjes echoed Summer’s update on COVID but added the cases “generally aren’t as severe as they have been.” In terms of safety, Summer shared her team is working to decrease the number of worker’s compensation incidences. In 2022 BBGH had 18 documented occurrences, and in 2023 there have been 23 documented occurrences so far.

As it is a new role to the organization, Dr. Brian Shelmadine had no updates in terms of a Chief Medical Officer report, but stated he’s looking forward to the role and has started work to recruit more physicians to the area. Chief Executive Officer Lori Mazanec added that two individuals specializing in obstetric services have visited campus and are interested in employment at BBGH. One is in his first year of residency and has been formally offered a position. The other candidate is planning to cover for Dr. Shafer in December and she is considering a one-year, full-time contract. Lori continues to work with BBGH’s recruitment agency to find Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists to fill the two full-time openings available.

Chief Financial Officer Mike O’Dell presented the financial report with no significant changes impacting revenue or budget. One detail he shared included the labor rate (the amount per dollar received by the hospital allocated to labor wages) is 68.6% which is within the budgeted amount. Mike stated he has concerns when it comes to Medicare Advantage and the reimbursement and prior authorization approvals. Considered a commercial insurance, as Medicare Advantage adds more individuals to the plan there could be a potential impact to the hospital’s financial standing in the future. The Medicare Advantage plan may also affect patients receiving timely care, so choosing traditional medical coverage over the Advantage plan is worth looking into. Board treasurer Randy Langemeier stated, “Overall the financials are looking good.” The board also approved the annual employee gift of Chamber Bucks ranging from $50- $250 based on employment status.

Information Technology Manager Mandy Greve reported new telehealth equipment for youth behavioral health appointments will be available in the coming year, as well as a 24-hour consult, inReach Ortho Live, in the Emergency Department for orthopedic cases.

With all credentialing approved, the meeting adjourned at 12:53 p.m. with the board entering executive session to discuss the CEO appraisal and health updates. The next meeting is December 18th at noon in the Alliance Room, the public is welcome to attend.