BBGH Trustees Meet

The Box Butte General Hospital (BBGH) Board of Trustees (Board) meeting was called to order at 12:00 p.m. Monday, March 27, 2023 in the Alliance Room at BBGH. The month’s agenda included an update on the Meditech transition, a tentative childcare center timeline, and Accountable Care Organization (ACO) compliance training. The consent calendar, February financial report, and credentialing requests were all approved as presented.

Chief Operations Officer Jim Bargen gave a brief update on the progression of the childcare center. Design plans are getting finalized in the upcoming weeks and the goal is to have building renovations begin around May 1st. Job openings for the childcare center are posted. There are three teacher roles and seven teacher aide roles to be filled. BBGH is grateful for the opportunity to expand childcare offerings in the community, as well as the new jobs created.

Chief of Staff Dr. Timothy Narjes provided a brief update. He shared that there continues to be a shortage of medication across the industry. He noted that staff is seeing varying respiratory illnesses, which is typical for the month of March.

In governance and strategy, Chief Executive Officer Lori Mazanec shared results from the most recent Press Ganey survey. BBGH ranks in the 95th percentile in the category “nurses treat you with courtesy and respect.” BBGH also had exceptional growth across the board in multiple categories, leaving the hospital competitive with surrounding organizations.

Information Technology Manager Mandy Greve updated the Board on the status of the electronic health record transition to Meditech. The transition will go live on May 1st. Teams are working to implement test copies into the live system. She stated that there may be a few hiccups in the beginning, but the transition will be as smooth as possible for patients.

During new business, the Board received their annual Accountable Care Organization (ACO) compliance training. ACOs are a federal program through Medicare comprised of groups of doctors, hospitals, and other healthcare providers. BBGH has been an ACO member since 2017. It acts as a resource for hospitals to collaborate and report on compliance measures together.

New BBGH employees include: Aubrie Lawrence, Promotions Specialist, Taylor Mach, Patient Registration Clerk, Madison Smith, Surgery Unit Clerk, Corbin Stark, Maintenance Tech, and Serenity Sterkel, Temp Social Worker. Also recognized was March Employee of the Month, Jerome Depheide, EVS Floor Tech. In attendance was newly elected County Commissioner Mike Sautter.

The next BBGH regular board meeting is Monday, April 24 at noon in the Alliance Room. The public is welcome to attend.