Believe the Best

A cubbyhole on my desk holds a collection of notecards with quotations written on them. Gathered over the years, sometimes ignored and other times referenced, the words bring comfort, inspiration, and too often, challenges, as I draw one out to meditate on. This is today’s reminder.

The world is in good hands.”

It’s easy to believe the world is in good hands on this sunny spring morning, watching a pheasant in the meadow, birds at the feeder, and green coming on like gangbusters. There’s a cat in my lap, a dog at my feet, and a brown eyed handsome man still asleep in another part of the house.

I want so much to walk in peace today, but I know my tendency to let all the heaviness and chaos that exists in the world to weigh me down and eat away at hope and serenity. I suspect that many of you are in the same shoes.

And yet… “the world is in good hands.” Not my hands, nor yours, because, try as we may, our hands are not big enough and don’t always treat the world kindly. Then there’s the worry component. Someone in our circle of loved ones is troubled, ill, or searching for answers. Our own bodies are beginning to betray us; things we took for granted, like sitting comfortably on the floor, or lifting that basket, require a decision.

And yet… “the world is in good hands.” Since you and I are part of the world, and all the people we love, and those we don’t, but should, and the ones who seem not to care about the things they should and thrive on creating chaos and mayhem, are also part of the world, we can relax and just be here.

Here” is temporary, of course; everything is. What’s around the corner isn’t here and now. For good or not, we can’t know how to deal with it, but we will know when the time comes. Meanwhile we know it’s all good, because the world is in good hands.

Believe it, or if you can’t, at least act like you do. That will make all the difference.