Benzel Appointed New Executive Director

The United Way of Western Nebraska Board of Directors is pleased to announce Karen Benzel has accepted the position of Executive Director. She succeeds Steph Black who is planning to retire from United Way of Western Nebraska on March 31.

UWWN Board President Todd Lewis commented on the hiring, “We are sad to see Steph go as she has done so much for United Way and our community, she will be greatly missed and we wish her well in her retirement.  We could not be more fortunate to have Karen Benzel taking the helm as Executive Director of United Way.  She already has a deep understanding of the position and her passion for the mission is unmatched.  Karen has some great ideas on how we move forward as an organization to expand our reach to other areas and to truly become United Way of Western Nebraska.  We are so excited for her to execute her vision and move us into the next chapter!”

Benzel has been with United Way of Western Nebraska since 2015 serving as the Director for Box Butte and Dawes Counties. With her expertise, United Way was able to successfully implement additional donor options and an online grant application process. She has worked closely with the staff in the Scottsbluff office and many of the area businesses, donors and United Way nonprofit partner agencies in her role at United Way. She began her new duties on January 5.

“It is an honor and privilege to serve the Western Nebraska community through the work of United Way,” Benzel noted. “It has been my pleasure to learn under Steph’s leadership and I look forward to continuing and growing the work of United Way in all the communities we serve.”

Benzel will continue to be based in the Alliance office and a Director of Development will be housed in the Scottsbluff office. The reorganization will allow United Way to better serve the community and work collaboratively throughout the entire United Way of Western Nebraska service area.