Black Hills Energy To Complete Work on Line Replacement

This week Black Hills Energy will be completing a natural gas line replacement project along Second Street and Toluca Avenue. During the project traffic flow will be reduced to one lane. In order to prepare the system for the new lines, the company will be clearing the existing system at the natural gas town border station located on Kansas Avenue on Wednesday and Thursday, August 11-12. During the completion of that process, customers in the area may hear a loud noise caused by the pressure of the release as well as detect the odor of natural gas in the atmosphere.

Black Hills Energy reminds customers, if you suspect a gas leak:

* Leave the building or area immediately and tell others to leave too. Alert your neighbors.

* From a safe distance, call 911 and Black Hills Energy’s emergency number: 800-694-8989. Never assume someone else has reported a natural gas leak.

* On the way out, do not flip light switches, open windows, ignite a flame, use a cell phone or other electronics that could cause a spark of static electricity

* Never attempt to repair a natural gas leak and do not attempt to turn natural gas valves on or off.

* Wait for Black Hills Energy and other emergency responders to give the all-clear before acting further.