Blast from the Past

130 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1892

After tomorrow (Saturday) the Times office will be located, probably for the winter at least, on Wyoming avenue two doors east of the Box Butte bank, where we will be pleased to have all our friends call and see us.

125 Years Ago

Sept. 17, 1897

The two-year-old child of H. K. Prickett was run over by a farm wagon one day this week, and pretty badly bruised about the head and body, but Drs. Bellwood say that the injury will not prove serious.

120 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1902

A freight train was wrecked between four and five o’clock this morning just west of town. It was loaded with livestock, lumber and coal. Just before reaching Alliance the train broke in two, and it not yet being daylight Engineer Lynch was unaware of the fact, and when he checked his speed to enter the yards here the rear section crashed into the front section, reducing the two box cars which came in contact with each other into kindling wood. Two young men who were stealing a ride in the front car were mixed up with the coal and timbers, and thrown clear off the right of way. One of them who gives his name as John Hartman, of Denver, was only slightly injured about the head and face, and picked himself up and walked ahead and called for help for his companion. The other one, who says his name is Henry O. Paul and that his home is in Clear Lake, Iowa, did not escape so luckily. He was badly cut about the head and face and his right leg was broken above the knee.

115 Years Ago

Sept. 24, 1907

A Greek laborer was very seriously ill here Sunday on account of some kind of bed bug poison. It seems as if he thought he was drinking some kind of intoxicating liquor. His life was dispared of for sometime, but it is now thought he will soon recover and be none the worse for his experience.

110 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1912

The Cannon pool hall changed management this week, Jas. Potmesil of the country taking charge. Mr. Fisher, who works in the Crystal theater will work during the days in the pool hall and Mr. Dake will also remain. Mr. Cannon and family will go south, to Florida, to spend the winter, expecting to return to Alliance next spring.

105 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1917

Three shots whistled past Marshal Stafford’s head in quick succession as he stepped into the boiler room at the Burlington shops at eight o’clock Wednesday night to arrest George Moore, a “bad man” who was wanted on a charge of carrying a gun and threatening the life of Edward Boddi. Stafford fired one shot, but he was using a new gun and he could not get it to work properly. While he was trying to adjust it, Moore dashed out the side door and escaped into the night.

100 Years Ago

Sept. 22, 1922

The Fun Revue to be given at the Imperial theater under the auspices of the Elks lodge, promises to be one of the best amateur shows ever attempted in Alliance. The show consists of five or six complete acts. The newest popular songs will be sung here for the first time. Some clever dancing acts will be given by five young women in costume. If one prefers comedy, Jack Phillips will be there to please. A. H. Harper, director of the show, has discovered a new song bird, Miss Mary King, whose mother was a grand opera singer on the principal stages of Austria. This will be Miss King’s first public appearance in Alliance and her contribution to the program will be sure to please.

95 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1927

George McFarland, 20, was arrested shortly after 10:30 o’clock last night when attempting to enter a window to gain entrance to the rear part of the Times-Herald office. The arrest was the result of a trap laid by police to catch a thief who had been entering the establishment for many nights and taking small sums of money.

90 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1932

Editors and their families from over western Nebraska will assemble in Alliance Saturday for the second meeting of the Nebraska Panhandle Press Association. A good entertaining and instructive program has been arranged for the meeting here. State officers will be present including: Park F. Keays, state field secretary, and J. Hyde Sweet, state president. Registration will be held at the Times-Herald building. A. B. Wood of Gering, president of the western Nebraska organization, will preside at the sessions. One of the distinguished visitors at the meeting will be Will Maupin picturesque figure in Nebraska newspaper circles and colorful writer of features of this state.

85 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1937

Mrs. A. D. Rodgers, who operates a rooming house at 124 ½ Box Butte avenue, reported to police Monday that a man to whom she rented a room over the week end left with the 9 by 12 rug that was on the floor and a bed spread. She said he must have dropped the rug out a window.

80 Years Ago

Sept. 22, 1942

The old gag about “wanting to go home for mother’s funeral” failed to work so far as Clarence Tapp, serving a 67-day sentence for throwing a beer bottle through the window of a local tavern, is concerned. Sheriff D. O. Hoppes received a telegram Thursday from Tapp’s wife in Wichita, Kan., bearing the sad news that his mother had passed away. Suspecting the telegram a lie, the sheriff contacted Wichita officers, asking them to check the news. The Kansas officers wired back that Tapp’s mother was very much alive. Tapp’s address for the next 30 day will still be the Box Butte county jail.

75 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 1947

Alliance’s famed Blue and White-clad high school band will be one of the colorful additions to the football game Friday night at Lincoln when the Bulldogs meet Lincoln Northeast. Contributions to the general band fund, bolstered by a total collection of $222.94 on the street during Saturday’s Parade of Dimes, guaranteed the band’s expenses to Lincoln.

70 Years Ago

Sept. 22, 1952

Selective Service notices have been mailed to five Box Butte County men to report for induction into the Army on October 7. The five are: Bernard Burke, 20, Alliance; Russell Finch, 20, Alliance; Gerald Goetzinger, 20 Hemingford; Ruben Chacon, 20, Alliance, and Gene Gerdes, 20, Alliance.

65 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1957

A crowd estimated at 2,500 or more turned out Friday night for the opening phases of Alliance’s 2-day Fall Festival. Another big crowd was on hand this afternoon for the kid parade. The Festival closes tonight with a free dance, open to everyone, at the City Auditorium, Russ Garner’s western band will provide the music.

60 Years Ago

Sept. 19, 1962

These four Box Butte County boys captured the state 4-H range judging title Saturday at Halsey. Tommy Messersmith and his brother, Kenny. Both are sons of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Messersmith. Marvin Drumheller, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Drumheller, and Charles Krantz, son of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Krantz.

55 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1967

Svelte epoxy-fiberglass skis and ski poles made in the True Temper Corporation plant in Alliance are on their way today to Colorado, Oregon and Washington. The first shipment ever to leave the plant was lifted aboard a Western Nebraska Express truck at 4 p.m. Wednesday.

50 Years Ago

Sept. 29, 1972

Alliance’s newest car dealer, Jim Wegner, is welcoming the public to a grand opening and a showing of 1973 models for the next three days at Wegner Chevrolet, Oldsmobile, Cadillac, Inc. Wegner came to Alliance from Omaha where he was in the automotive business. He and his wife, Jo Anne, have four children, Kathy, David, Jill and Jennifer, and the family lives at 1453 Black Hills. There will be free coffee and donuts, and numerous prizes including a grand prize of a color portable television set.

45 Years Ago

Sept. 20, 1977

Stanley Sprague retired from the Berkeley, Calif. Fire Department at the end of July, finishing his 21st year as a fire fighter in that northern California city. He decided one of the first things he’d like to do as a retiree would be to visit his daughter more than 4,000 miles away in Vermont. The 50-year- old left Berkeley on his trusty old bike August 21, heading east through the Sacramento Valley. He climbed the Sierra Nevadas, pedalled through the deserts of Nevada and southern Utah, again climbed through the Colorado Rockies and late last week reached Nebraska. He stopped in Alliance for the weekend, staying with the E.M. Hohlfelds after pushing and pedaling his bike about 1,800 miles.

40 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1982

Pickets of the Alliance’s Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers 622 were walking the perimeter of the Burlington Northern Railroad property today for the third consecutive day. In Washington, D.C., the Reagan administration, saying the damage to the nation’s economy warranted intervention in the collective bargaining process, asked Congress today to order a quick end to the crippling strike against the nation’s freight railroads.

35 Years Ago

Sept. 19, 1987

Members of the City of Alliance electrical crew put up a banner in the 400 block of Box Butte Avenue Friday morning in providing the musical group Up With People with a friendly Alliance welcome when they arrive here Sunday. A welcome rally is scheduled at 7 p.m. at the city auditorium. The rally is open to the public.

30 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 1992

Greg Garrett made a traveling trophy for the upcoming “Iron Rail Bowl” between Chadron State College and Peru State College. The trophy will be presented to the winner of the game at Bulldog Stadium during Iron Rail Days.

25 Years Ago

Sept. 19, 1997

John McGhehey has been promoted to president of First National Bank’s Alliance location. In making the announcement, bank president L.H. “Rick” Kolkman stated, “The title of president reflects the responsibility that John McGhehey has managing the Alliance bank in the markets we serve.” McGhehey announced that Brian Ailts has been named vice president, commercial and agricultural loans. Karen Knisely rescently joined the bank in the consumer and real estate loan departments.

20 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 2002

Clothing at The Mission Store is bundled into 80 pound bales and shipped to people in need. Volunteers from the Alliance High School’s Key Club, which is sponsored by the local Kiwanis, recently loaded bales of clothing onto a 48-foot semi-truck donated by Vitalix, Inc. The clothing now is headed to a mission hospital/orphanage in India for the people of that area.

15 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 2007

The Alliance Stock Car Club is donating funds that were left in their account when they disbanded recently, to the Alliance Head Start for materials and will benefit the children in various programs.

Other recent donations from the disbanded ASCC are the bleachers to the Double L. Roping Arena, concession equipment to the Alliance Rodeo Club and miscellaneous supplies to the Highway 92 Racing Park in Gering.

10 Years Ago

Sept. 21, 2012

Alliance High School is among 19 Nebraska high schools selected to receive an Educational Quest Foundation College Access Grant – a program designed to increase the number of students who go to college. The school will receive $7,500 a year for four years.

5 Years Ago

Sept. 23, 2017

Adams Industries Inc. out of Sidney has been subcontracted by New Generation Construction to begin the process of getting the future site of the Holiday Inn Express ready for construction. Located between Westco and Pepsi on Highway 385 should be a prime location once the Heartland Expressway is complete.