130 Years Ago
December 28, 1894
Miss Kate Shelter assisted at the Bank of Alliance during the absence of her brother.
125 Years Ago
December 29, 1899
Alliance barbers want a little of the general prosperity characteristic of McKinley times, and have accordingly, each and every one, resolved to abide by the following schedule of prices: Hair cut, 25c; shampoo, 25c; singe, 25c; seafoam, 15c; shave, 15c; trimming beard, 15c.
120 Years Ago
December 23, 1904
R. J. Walker, of Denver, who is financially interested in the Alliance electric light plant, spent a day here the first of the week looking over matters.
115 Years Ago
December 28, 1909
The Crystal theatre was packed to the limit Friday evening,, even standing room being at a premium. The occasion was the giving away of the diamond ring, which had been advertised extensively. The holder of the lucky number was Mrs. George Hills.
110 Years Ago
December 25, 1914
Henry Peterson, a workman on the Gurdis ranch, will have a mighty slim Christmas this year for he has lost the greater part of his year’s savings and to date has little hopes of finding it. He had $200 in cash which had just been drawn from the bank and he either lost the full amount or someone frisked him while he knew it not.
105 Years Ago
December 23, 1919
The Times is able to state on the very highest authority that the first estimate of $300,000 on the 1920 budget for Burlington extensions and improvements in Alliance has received the official O. K. of the regional officers and the work will start as soon as settled weather conditions will permit.
100 Years Ago
December 26, 1924
Christmas cheer was distributed to fourteen families Tuesday afternoon by the Boy Scouts organization under the Associated Charities from the office of the chamber of commerce. The cheer consisted of baskets or boxes filled with necessaries for the families to which they were sent with a few candies, nuts and goods for the children.
95 Years Ago
December 27, 1929
There has been a noticeable improvement in the amount of road work done on highway No. 2 during the closing six months of the year and motorists declare that they can make good time on the trip east over the Potash highway.
90 Years Ago
December 28, 1934
The Alliance School Milk fund this week went over the 200-dollar mark with additional contributions received from several sources. The free-will offering taken at the cantata presented by the Alliance high school, the entire proceeds of that affair, amounted to $20.71, the biggest single recent boost to the milk fund.
85 Years Ago
December 26, 1939
A district social security office will be opened in Alliance within the next few days, it was announced today by Postmaster F . J. Brennan. The office will be located in room 28 in the postoffice, the room formerly occupied by Agricultural Agent Nat Tolman.
80 Years Ago
December 29, 1944
Pvt. Wyatte S. Hittson, a member of the Troop Carrier Command formerly stationed at the Alliance Army Air Fieled, was taken into custody this week by Alliance officers and was in jail today waiting for military police. Hittson had been AWOL from the alliance base since Sept. 1, when the Troop Carrier Command left.
75 Years Ago
December 30, 1949
The intersection of Seventh Street and Potash Avenue was a nemesis for automobile drivers this week. Two accidents occurred at the intersection during the week.
70 Years Ago
December 27, 1954
New bicycle licenses will go on sale in Alliance January 1. All persons who own bicycles must purchase them at the police station in the Municipal Building. The cost of the licenses will be 50 cents, effective for one year.
65 Years Ago
December 26, 1959
A Community Christmas Tree Burning will be held here on Sunday, January 3, at Bower Field. The event is sponsored by the young people of the St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church with Father Tom Johnson, rector, in charge. The traditional burning will take place at 5:30 p.m.
60 Years Ago
December 26, 1964
Twenty-three students at the Alliance Vocational School of Practical Nursing will receive their caps at a ceremony Sunday, January 10. The event will be held at the multi-purpose room in the Junior High School beginning at 3 p.m.
55 Years Ago
December 23, 1969
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Woodworth of Route 1, Alliance will spend the New Year’s holidays in Los Angeles, Calif., as winners of the sixth annual Alliance Merchants – Daily Times-Herald sponsored “bowl contest”.
50 Years Ago
December 27, 1974
On the recommendation of Police Chief John Means and City Manager Robert Placek, the Alliance City Council approved the purchase of three new police cars at a cost of $4,735 each Thursday evening.
45 Years Ago
December 26, 1979
Even with above seasonal temperatures last week in the Alliance-Hemingford area, local sugar beet growers are still fighting Mother Nature in getting the estimated 12,000 tons of beets remaining in the ground into the factory for processing. “We received 86-90 loads of beets three days last week (700 tons), but there are still a lot of beets left to harvest,” Red Johnson, agricultural manager at Great Western’s Bayard factory said. “The beets are frozen completely and the ground is frozen 12 inches deep.”
40 Years Ago
December 24, 1984
The North Pole International News Service released information that Santa Claus had completed all necessary preparations for his annual journey of joy.
35 Years Ago
December 26, 1989
Slagle Memorial Library is computerized. Thirty thousand books and library materials now sport the bard code familiar to anyone who eats. Thanks to literally hundreds of volunteers, and over 1300 volunteer hours, the Alliance library accomplished the transition from card to computer without shutting their doors or hiring extra staff.
30 Years Ago
December 23, 1994
Box Butte General Hospital will purchase a stationary CT (Computerized Tomography) scanner to replace the mobile unit now in use. Dr. Rademacher said this model would enable the hospital to provide more specialized examinations and improve the hospital’s ability to provide assessment and diagnostic services to emergency patients.
25 Years Ago
December 29, 1999
The Alliance Police Department and Box Butt County Sheriff’s Office are offering rides home on Friday, Dec. 31, New Year’s Eve. “If anyone who partied too hard needs a ride home they can call us,” APD Chief John Kiss said. “We’d rather give them rides home than catch them driving and give them rides to jail.”
20 Years Ago
December 23, 2004
Carnegie Arts Center in Alliance will present the 4th annual workshop in the “Adventures” series. “Adventure in Oils” will begin Jan. 11 and 13, and end March 1 and 3.
15 Years Ago
December 24, 2009
For a certain segment of the Alliance population, there is a dependence on the Handi Bus program to get them to the places they need to go, but what happens when the weather turns dangerous? As it did yesterday, it starts taking requests for rides on an “emergency basis” only. By emergency, she meant that those going to and from Box Butte General Hospital for medical appointments were the majority of the approved rides.
10 Years Ago
December 24, 2014
As many school children and even some adults begin their holiday vacation, some may not be doing so without sniffles and sneezes. As reported by Janell Grant, A.P.R.N.-B.C. with Alliance Children’s and Allied Health Clinic, there have been 10 individuals test positive for Influenza A.
5 Years Ago
December 25, 2019
The Alliance School Boar voted to terminate a lease from Box Butte General Hospital in an effort to save money and to save Kiddie Kampus.
*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by Christine Baum