Blast from the Past for January 10, 2024

130 Years Ago

January 12, 1894

The latest device for amusement of which Alliance can boast is a full-sized toboggan slide, which is being constructed at the top of the incline toward the depression just east of the city. E.D. Payne is to be proprietor and master of ceremonies.

125 Years Ago

January 13, 1899

Speculation has been rife in Alliance this week regarding a report that the Burlington would at once commence the building of a branch from here to the southwest. General Superintendent T. E. Calvert came in Monday morning and departed overland with is own vehicle, accompanied by a friend, whose name we did not learn.

120 Years Ago

January 8, 1904

The report mentioned in Tuesday’s TIMES to the effect that Miss Ethel Simpson, formerly of Alliance, had committed suicide, proved untrue, her demise having been caused by pneumonia.

115 Years Ago

January 8, 1909

The Alliance Creamery and Produce company closed its first year of business with a remarkably good showing, and which certainly demonstrates that this is one of the embryo industries capable and deserving of the highest development. During the year 235,000 lbs. of butter as good as the best was made, and about $50,000 distributed to the farmers in Western Nebraska for cream.

110 Years Ago

January 13, 1914

The board of county commissioners, S.C. Reck, chairman, C.L. Hashman and J.M. Wanek, met Tuesday for the first time in the new year, this being the annual meeting of the board, in addition to the January session. The board organized for the coming year by electing C.L. Hashman, chairman. It is an honor well deserved and Mr. Hashman will be a credit to the office.

105 Years Ago

January 10, 1919

County Agent Neuswanger is just getting out of an eight-page report which contain an excellent report of his year’s work. Mr. Neuswanger is, without doubt, one of the best agricultural agents in Nebraska and Box Butte county is fortunate in securing his services.

100 Years Ago

January 8, 1924

L.L. Oberlin, chief of people for the past six months, handed in his resignation at the request of City Manager N.A. Kemmish on Sunday afternoon. Oberlin’s successor has not been appointed, but several applicants are being considered.

95 Years Ago

January 11, 1929

Principals on the American Legion fight card to be staged at the Roof Garden at 8:15 o’clock this evening are in fine fettle for the opening gong. They were weighted in and examined this afternoon and pronounced in shape for the glove-whirling jousts held here under Legion auspices.

90 Years Ago

January 9, 1934

A large group of sympathetic friends and acquaintances yesterday afternoon attended funeral rites at the Christian church for George Culp, 13-year-old Alliance youngster who lost his life Friday afternoon when he broke through ice on an overflow pond south of the Burlington shops while skating there with four youthful companions.

85 Years Ago

January 9, 1939

A few years ago Box Butte county was regarded as an area which could not produce corn successfully. Doubters said the climatic conditions were all wrong and that this county was “too far north” for corn.

80 Years Ago

January 7, 1944

City Manager Clarence H. Hoper reported to the council last night that he has received a number of inquiries from interested farmers on pump irrigation since the release a few weeks ago of the cost data prepared by the city on actual pumping records where electric power was used.

75 Years Ago

January 7, 1949

Help must come to the Red Cross chapter of Alliance to fill its late quota of 2×2 dressings. An appeal was made a week ago and but four workers responded. The request was for but four hours a week, and surely many women can give a short half day to this war work which must be done.

70 Years Ago

January 1, 1954

Mrs. Charles W. Grassman, 74, a pioneer resident of Alliance for 48 years, died unexpectedly at her home, 908 Box Butte Avenue, Thursday night at 9:30.

65 Years Ago

January 10, 1959

A total of 3,092 Northwest Nebraskans failed to solve The Daily Times-Herald’s Coinworld this week and the prize money today went up to $135 for next week’s contest. This newspaper will pay a $10 bonus if winner is a regular subscriber.

60 Years Ago

January 10, 1964

The museum issue although it was not on the agenda – was a main topic at the regular meeting of the Alliance City Council Thursday evening. City Manager R.W. Laing submitted an itemized report on activities booked at the Municipal Auditorium during the past 14 years which he said “would indicate it hasn’t quite been abandoned”.

55 Years Ago

January 10, 1969

One petition is being circulated for the 1969 Alliance municipal election – that of Mrs. Nella Tash Johnstone for re-election as Police Magistrate. Three City Council seats, two on the Board of Education and the Police Magistrate post are to be filled at an election on April 1.

50 Years Ago

January 10, 1974

Four Alliance people met with the Health Planning Council of Region 23 here Wednesday evening and formally endorsed the new hospital project. This endorsement now will be sent to the state for approval. The four included Box Butte General Hospital Chairman Leonard Peterson, Lyle Stephens, Gordon Hoff and Dr. John Segrist.

45 Years Ago

January 10, 1979

Box Butte County joined several other Panhandle counties Tuesday in asking Gov. Charles Thone to declare the western part of the state a disaster area because of the weather. The County Commissioners signed a resolution at their meeting Tuesday afternoon which requests such a designation because the “cost of snow removal has exceeded expectations” and is imposing “a severe financial burden” on the county.

40 Years Ago

January 10, 1984

“For courage, heroism and valor above and beyond the call of duty.” With those words, three Hemingford Volunteer Firefighters were awarded Hemingford Community Chamber of Commerce Distinguished Service Awards by 1983 Chamber President Dennis Zajic at the organization’s annual awards banquet Monday night. Andy Ray, Dan Swanson and Bruce Winten were honored for their “heroism and outstanding service” while fighting the Jan. 20 fire that broke out in the top of the Farmers Co-op Elevator in Hemingford and caused an estimated $150,000 damage.

35 Years Ago

January 10, 1989

Five Alliance residents have been named as task force volunteers for New Seeds For Nebraska. Those volunteers from Alliance include Sharon Heimbuch, Eva Knight, Mark Anderson, A. James Moravek and Joseph Kirchner.

30 Years Ago

January 10, 1994

Original art work and a cowboy poet and storyteller will be the focus if the Alliance Arts Council’s next offerings. The art show, which will open Friday, Jan, 14, at Elaine’s Art Gallery, will feature Jeff Hillberry and Cloyd Barnes. The artists will be at the gallery Friday and Saturday, Jan. 14 and 15, from 10 a.m. to noon to give demonstrations of their work.

25 Years Ago

January 11, 1999

Box Butte County’s 12th District Court’s usual, smooth-running pace slowed a bit this morning, Jan. 11, as defense attorneys appeared to jockey for plea agreements with newly elected County Attorney Karen Ditsch. Special offices at the back of the courtroom were almost always in use as defense attorney counseled clients, conferred with Ditsch and then re-counseled their clients.

20 Years Ago

January 10, 2004

At the beginning of the current school year, several changes went into practice throughout the Alliance Public School District – most notably the closing of one of the three elementary schools, reorganizing the remaining two elementary schools, busing children to those schools and moving the fifth-grade elementary students into the middle school.

15 Years Ago

January 10, 2009

Dennis and Connie McCullah have an exciting vision for downtown Alliance. They see a street full of specialty shops, restaurants, and coffee shops with second-story apartments for those who want to live near where they work. Most of all, they see people – both citizens of Alliance and tourists, turning Box Butte back into the bustling street they both grew up with.

10 Years Ago

January 10, 2014

A face that has become familiar in the community over the past four years bid farewell last month, as Box Butte Deputy County Attorney Kathy Chuston headed back to Chicago. Having taken the position in the county on November 30, 2009, Chuston had just passed the Illinois bar exam, and was trying to find a position to put her education to work, something that was hard to do in Chicago without some experience.

5 Years Ago

January 9, 2019

Following a request from Family Focus Director Michelle Hickox, the commissioners voted unanimously to allow the chairman to sign the 2019 Juvenile Aide Services Grant. The funding this year totals $41,754-$37,579 from the Nebraska Prime Commission and a $4,175 match from the Box Butte County Family Focus Coalition.