Blast from the Past for the week of Nov. 8

130 Years Ago

November 10, 1893

Next week ought to prove a lively one for Alliance business men. It is expected that the races to be held Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will bring a large number of people into the city, which fact coupled with the arrival of the pay checks and a theatrical troupe ought to make trade lively in all lines.

125 Years Ago

November 11, 1898

Election day in Box Butte county was issued in with cold weather and snow falling almost all day. This reduced the vote to proportions that are a source of regret to members of all parties, for the reason that it makes a bad showing for the county and will cut down the representation in all conventions next year. In Alliance there were but few people on the streets and absolutely no excitement.

120 Years Ago

November 10, 1903

The ability of Messrs W.G. Simonson, of Alliance, and A.J. Simonson of Denver, to finance a big trade is shown by the announcement that they have just consummated what is probable the largest deal in which any Alliance individual was ever concerned. The amount involved in the transaction to which we refer was considered at $180,000. This deal was made last July, and a heavy forfeit posted, but until certain titles had been cleared and other matters attended to, it could not be concluded until date of November 1st.

115 Years Ago

November 10, 1908

The brief news given in last Friday’s issue of the Semi-Weekly Times concerning the death of Mrs. George Mollring was all too terribly true. She had been ill about ten days, but her condition not considered serious. Heart failure suddenly developed and she passed to unconsciousness last Friday afternoon at two o’clock in the presence of husband, physician and attendants unavailing.

110 Years Ago

November 7, 1913

Police censorship was the main topic at the meeting of the council Tuesday night. Special officer Bell was released from duty and the officers instructed to look after their own duties without so much deputy hire. Councilman Stearns said that this administration was attempting an economical term and that the extra money paid was in excess of any previous administration.

105 Years Ago

November 8, 1918

Three serious accidents followed each other in rapid succession of the Alliance division of the Burlington last night. Conductor Henry Merk, well known here and a resident of this city, met with a serious accident at Hecla last night when the west bound freight broke in two and he was thrown the full length of the caboose with such force that it is feared his back is broken. He was brought to Alliance on a special and taken to the hospital for surgical treatment.

100 Years Ago

November 9, 1923

“The future development of Box Butte county farms will mean more to Alliance than another railroad through this district,” said Keith L. Pierce of Hemingford in address before the Rotary club Wednesday night. Mr. Pierce has been making a personal survey of the financial conditions of the farmers of the county during recent weeks and he is perhaps more familiar with the actual conditions on the farms than any other man in the country.

95 Years Ago

November 8, 1928

At the regular meeting of the city council Wednesday night a petition was presented asking that the city authorities take steps to close the billiard parlors now operating in the city under the club membership plan. The petition had been filed with the city clerk previous to the meeting of the council and no delegation was present at the meeting.

90 Years Ago

November 7, 1933

Actual construction work on the grading of a section of high No. 2 east of Alliance began this morning at a point one mile west of the eastern end of the 5.2 miles of the initial project. A crew of 11 local men were put on the job this morning at the request of the contractor, A.C. Ross, by Ed Jordon, local registrar at the re-employment office.

85 Years Ago

November 8, 1938

The city council in special session Saturday afternoon set November 29 as the date for opening bids on the construction of the new power plant building, estimated to cost $123,000. City Manager Clarence H. Hoper submitted to the council a complete description of the building, the front of which will be 84 feet from Second street.

80 Years Ago

November 9, 1943

Box Butte county taxpayers will dig up a total of $364,118.11 for all purposes during the 1943 tax year, according to a report filed this week by County Clerk Lee Moore with the state treasurer. This figure is arrived at by multiplying the several levies by the assessed valuation.

75 Years Ago

November 9, 1948

Shortly before noon today the jury was formed to hear the trial of the state against James G. Makris. The 12 jurymen are Lorren Swanson, Jams Collins, Joe Bremer, Wilbur W. Tolstedt, Jack Walla, Donald N. Nelson, Lawrence Powell, George Bacon, Herman Bartels, Robert Minich, Chris L. Panwitz and Lloyd Kohrman. A thirteenth juror was selected to act in the event a substitute is need for one of the regular jurors.

70 Years Ago

November 7, 1953

The reappraisal of all real estate in Box Butte County will be done by the Doane Agricultural Service Inc., of St. Louis, Mo., it was announced today by Leslie Stull, chairman of the board of commissioners. The Doane company was hired at a cost of $32,500 and a contract has been signed as well as a certificate of insurance.

65 Years Ago

November 8, 1958

Parades, open houses, memorial services, barbecues, and dinners, plus many other events, share the spotlight across the Northwestern Nebraska Tuesday as Veterans Day is observed. Here in Alliance a full day’s festivities kicked off by a parade at 11 a.m. is planned.

60 Years Ago

November 8, 1963

Mrs. Veleta H. Davee, 59, former Alliance business woman, was found dead in her apartment at 511 Laramie Thursday evening. County Attorney John O. Anderson, who also serves as County Coroner, said that death was caused by asphyxiation due to carbon monoxide gas. No inquest is planned.

55 Years Ago

November 8, 1968

Another step ahead toward providing blighted residential areas of South Alliance with sewer service was taken by the City Council Thursday evening in accepting a bid for the installation work and the speeding through of enabling ordinance No. 1,154.

50 Years Ago

November 8, 1973

Selection of four candidates whose names will appear in this year’s election ballot has been completed, according to Terry Shannon, Box Butte County ASCS director. Two of the candidates were nominated by petition with two others being selected by the incumbent county committee.

45 Years Ago

November 8, 1978

Results of the 1978 general election in Box Butte County generally show that the voters are pretty content with something old, willing to try something new and still capable of pulling some surprises. In the something old category, the voters’ choices tended to be incumbents or those with previous experience, such as in the Alliance City Council, Box Butte County Commissioners and Alliance School Board races, on the local level.

40 Years Ago

November 8, 1983

There may be a crisis in education but that crisis offers opportunities, an educational consultation told a group of area teachers and administrators. Jim Huge of Denver, Colo., outlined some of the opportunities instructors have to improve the quality of education and stressed how important teachers’ work is during his talk at a daylong “Job Alike” inservice held in Alliance.

35 Years Ago

November 8, 1988

Due to an “unusual problem” the tax levy in the Hemingford School District is higher than needed to meet the budget. The Hemingford school board discussed the problem with school attorney Terry Curtiss at the regular board meeting Monday.

30 Years Ago

November 8, 1993

The Alliance Volunteer Fire Department is requesting photos and videotapes of the fire at 1620 Emerson on Friday. The AVFD will pay for copies. The blaze began when an electrical fire in a vehicle spread to the garage and the residence at 1620 Emerson, owned by Jan and Jean Gauthier, and the Dick and Nancy Wolzen residence.

25 Years Ago

November 7, 1998

The Children’s Outreach Program is a new program for Box Butte County mothers with children up to five years old. This home visitation program provides mothers with a little extra care, and is especially helpful for families with newborn babies. Families are given the assurance of having a nurse come to the home to check on the mother’s and baby’s health.

20 Years Ago

November 7, 2003

Operation Christmas Child is in full-swing in Alliance. Several groups, schools, churches and private citizens are helpful with the charitable program that is sponsored through Samaritan’s Purse, a Christian relief program.

15 Years Ago

November 8, 2008

A crew of about 13 Pine Ridge Job Corps students and three instructors have been working on the Habitat for Humanity house this last week as part of “Make a Difference Day.” Building Maintenance instructor Loren Kickland said the students represent three different union trades; cement masons, building maintenance and craft and laborers.

10 Years Ago

November 8, 2013

All Council members were present last night at the Alliance City Council meeting when they opted to table Ord. 2743 in regards to amendments to the municipal code and fireworks. The ordinance would have prohibited the use of sky lanterns or other similar devices.

5 Years Ago

November 7, 2018

Less than 24 hours before the polls opened Republicans converged at the Alliance Municipal Airport. Many in the packed room may have seen any of the lawmakers in person, much as the array in person as they filed into the meeting room.