Blast from the Past July 24, 2024

130 Years Ago

July 20, 1894

Council met Saturday with mayor and councilmen Beck, McWhitnney and McIntyre present. Report of committee from fire department presented and referred to fire and water committee.

125 Years Ago

July 21, 1899

The city authorities found a country girl in one of the houses of prostitutions today and obliged her to go home.

120 Years Ago

July 22, 1904

Mrs. Evans of Adams, Nebr., arrived in Alliance yesterday, for a visit with her son, Brakeman Robert Evans, and her brother, Simon Spry. From here she will go to Deadwood for a brief stay.

115 Years Ago

July 23, 1909

An energetic committee of citizens have been at work the past couple of days soliciting shares for the formation of a permanent agricultural society, it having been decided that the first plan and subscription would be inadequate.

110 Years Ago

July 21, 1914

The little two year old son of J.W. Hashman living twenty mile west of Alliance was thrown from the buggy Sunday afternoon and one of the wheels passed over his head rendering him unconscious in which condition still remains. His chances for recovery are not considered very good by the attending physician.

105 Years Ago

July 22, 1919

C. Wagner and C. Lovelady, officers of the United States Navy for the past fourteen years, are in Alliance this week for the purpose of securing enlistments into the service. They are making their headquarters in the civil service room at the post office.

100 Years Ago

July 22, 1924

Members of the Alliance baseball team have issued on open invitation to business men and others interested in the fate of the sport in the city to meet with them at the armory at 8 p.m. Wednesday, when the co-operation of the merchants and the support of the merchants and the support of the fans will be asked in the maintenance of a baseball team for the city.

95 Years Ago

July 23, 1929

Officials of the state agricultural college will arrive here early next month to look over the county poor farm in connection with creating the new agricultural sub-station there.

90 Years Ago

July 24, 1934

As announced a week ago by Congressman Terry Carpenter, an examination of applicants for the position of postmaster at Alliance has been called from Washington, the final date for receipt of applications having been set for August 7.

85 Years Ago

July 25, 1939

More than 1,000 cars of new wheat have moved to market from western Nebraska with Box Butte county contributing approximately 65 cars.

80 Years Ago

July 21, 1944

An honor roll containing the names of all Box Butte County men and women in the service and costing in the neighborhood of $3000 will be erected on the southwest corner of the courthouse lawn.

75 Years Ago

July 22, 1949

Box Butte county’s wheat crop will yield between 25 and 40 bushels to the acre, County agent John Decker predicted today as harvesting continued at full swing over the Alliance area. The grain was bringing $1.74 at one Alliance elevator, $1.78 at another and $1.70 in Hemingford.

70 Years Ago

July 24, 1954

Alliance and Chadron police today are still trying to link the theft of four-cars in the two communities during the past 48 hours. Two cars were taken in Alliance and two in Chadron and the manner in which they were found leads the authorities to believe they may have been taken by persons on a joy-riding spree.

65 Years Ago

July 24, 1959

Two motions by the defense were denied by County Judge Edgar Marlow this morning as the preliminary hearing of Levi White Bull, charged in connection with the slaying of Peter White Crane Walking, got underway in a packed courtroom at the Box Butte County Courthouse.

60 Years Ago

July 24, 1964

Water pumped and electricity generated by the Alliance Municipal Utilities were pushed to a record high production for a 24-hour period this week, City Manager R.W. Laing reported at the City Council meeting Thursday evening.

55 Years Ago

July 24, 1969

In a special City Council meeting late this morning a motion was passed to adopt a resolution prepared by the state clearing the way for the surfacing of Third Street from Black Hills to Potash Avenue.

50 Years Ago

July 24, 1974

Officials in Box Butte County and Alliance indicate a need for new facilities and additional personnel to solve jail problems rather than new jail rules.

45 Years Ago

July 24, 1979

The Jungle Wonders Circus will raise its Big Top in Alliance for a performance behind Emerson School Sunday July 29, at 3 p.m.

40 Years Ago

July 25, 1984

Three onlookers shivered in the pre-dawn darkness this morning beside the 10th Street railroad crossing watching as a “white train,” reportedly carrying 144 hydrogen bombs, thundered through Alliance.

35 Years Ago

July 25, 1989

Alliance National Bank President Bob Knight will be featured in a 90-minute nationwide PBS Special which airs at 8 p.m. Wednesday on the Nebraska ETV Network.

30 Years Ago

July 26, 1994

Sugarbeet crops in the Alliance area are looking quite good, according to Wendall Wagner of Western Sugar. A small area north of Alliance which received extensive damage from a hail storm about a week ago is recovering and showing good growth.

25 Years Ago

July 24, 1999

It was announced Friday that Box Butte General Hospital has achieved accreditation from the Joint Commission on Accreditation or Health Organizations (JCAHO) by demonstrating compliance with the commission’s nationally recognized health-care standards.

20 Years Ago

July 24, 2004

Most people know that dogs must be licensed under a City of Alliance ordinance, but many people do not realize that the same ordinance applies to cats as well, according to Alliance Police Department Animal Control Officer Sydney White. White said that she is going to start enforcing that ordinance which entails a $46.50 charge in fines and costs.

15 Years Ago

July 25, 2009

In just over a month, Hemingford Administrator, Clerk and Secretary Peggy Sheldon will be leaving the country for a few days. In September, Sheldon will be heading to Montreal, Canada on Sept. 11 for the annual conference of the International City Managers Association Sept. 13-16. She said the conference is “something I probably never would have ever considered, being in small town Nebraska.”

10 Years Ago

July 24, 2014

Monday night, following the Alliance Public Schools Board of Education regular meeting, the board met for another two hours to discuss the superintendent goals for the 2014-15 school year. Superintendent Troy Unzicker noted the two main goals for the year did not change from the 2013-14 year, though sub-goals under each have changed.

5 Years Ago

July 24, 2019

With a week filled with activities, Heritage Days 2019, celebrated the community of Alliance, commemorating the Wizard of Oz with the theme “There’s No Place Like Alliance.” “Overall, Heritage Days went well, despite the hot weather,” Alliance Chamber of Commerce Director Susan Unzicker said. “We’ve been thinking about next year. We already have some plans in the works for next year to try to include a few more things.”

*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by staff.