Blast from the Past June 26, 2024

130 Years Ago

June 29, 1894

A large force of men have been at work trying to get the new track in shape for the races July 4th and 5th, but it is pretty certain that this can not be down and the management expect the speed contests will be made on the course just west of town.

125 Years Ago

June 30, 1899

Commissoner Hermann, of the general land office, has issued instructions concerning the reservoir filing law that materially changes the aspect of affairs.

120 Years Ago

June 24, 1904

The lecture and entertainment given at the Opera House last night by Mr. Roberson, was as fine a thing of its kinds as was ever seen in Alliance. The house was well filled, and all present felt amply repaid for attendance.

115 Years Ago

June 25, 1909

The regular term of district court convened last Monday and adjourned this afternoon. A few night sessions were held in order to get done today, J.J. Harrington and Court Reported Scott were in command.

110 Years Ago

June 26, 1914

Alliance and northwest Nebraska will have a direct road to the river country and the Lincoln highway. A new road, twenty-five miles shorter than the old one to Bridgeport, has been selected and will be ready for travel within thirty days.

105 Years Ago

June 24, 1919

“Chic” Stevens. The most noted stater of racing programs in the country, has consented to start the races at Alliance, July 2, 3 and 4.

100 Years Ago

June 27, 1924

Fire, which evidently started from the kitchen range, caused a lost estimated at $6,000 to the building and equipment of the Silver Grill restaurant at 3 o’clock this morning. The principal damage to the building was in the kitchen where the floor was burned through, allowing the range to drop into the basement.

95 Years Ago

June 28, 1929

Without a great deal of noise or bombast, the city officials are proceeding with plans to dispose of the storm and sewage waters which have menaced the health and comfort of Alliance for more than a decade.

90 Years Ago

June 29, 1934

Alliance is rapidly acquiring the title of “City Beautiful.” Strange as it mage seem that a city far removed from the fertile valleys of the river bottoms should aspire to such a place, this one is doing just that.

85 Years Ago

June 30, 1939

The city council Thursday night accepted the new power plant building, which was finished Wednesday, the deadline for completion. Work on the plant was started by the contractor, Stearns-Roger Manufacturing company of Denver, on December 13.

80 Years Ago

June 30, 1944

With the announcement of the make-up of the local Committee on Economic Development. Alliance is now ready to proceed toward a definite program to post-war planning and development.

75 Years Ago

June 18, 1949

Natural gas for Alliance could result from the recent discovery of oil east of Gurley in Cheyenne county, experienced oil men predicted. The well, on a recent test run, made 17 barrels of oil an hour and there was heavy gas pressure.

70 Years Ago

June 30, 1954

The weekly concert by the Municipal Band will be presented at 8 p.m. tonight, at the Band Shell. Dr. Paul Sell is director of the group.

65 Years Ago

June 30, 1959

Alliance’s increased valuation saved the day for the taxpayers Monday night as it offset hikes in teachers’ salaries and enable the local School Board to hold the line on the mill levy for the forthcoming year.

60 Years Ago

June 30, 1964

County Supt. Hanson N. Murray announced today that Box Butte’s share of the 1964 State Insurance Premium Tax is $19,988.45. Murray said that the State Treasurer’s office already has sent County Treasurer Gwen Warthen a check for that amount.

55 Years Ago

June 30, 1969

As announced the public hearing for the proposed 1969-70 budget of the City Schools, Dist. No. 6, will be held at North High School Library Tuesday evening starting at 7:#0 p.m. The budget at an all-time high, has been trimmed from $1,255,812 to $1,234,310 in May and June meetings.

50 Years Ago

June 28, 1974

City Manager Robert Placek issued a request today that all unnecessary water and electrical use be curtailed until repairs can be made to a leaky boiler at the Alliance power plant. A crew from Omaha is making the welding repairs, and Placek said he could not estimate how long the repair work would take.

45 Years Ago

June 28, 1979

In an effort to bail two offices out of financial difficulties, the Box Butte County commissioners Wednesday afternoon approved emergency budget supplements totaling $2,244.12. The measure passed 2-0, with Board Chairman Leslie Stull absent from the meeting.

40 Years Ago

June 30, 1984

A $2,070,000 personal injury lawsuit against the Alliance Police Department and two patrol officers and a $1,070,000 lawsuit against Box Butte County were filed in District Court Friday morning

35 Years Ago

June 30, 1989

Funnel clouds danced around the Alliance area Thursday afternoon but caused no damage or injuries, according to local authorities. A tornado was spotted by the Nebraska State Patrol at 1:35 p.m. about 15 miles northeast of Alliance and moving toward the east.

30 Years Ago

June 25, 1994

The Alliance Police Department has reviewed its policy on bicycle safety and beginning July 1 will implement a proactive stance on bicycle traffic violations. During the last two years Alliance has had an increase in bicycle/vehicle accidents.

25 Years Ago

June 30, 1999

Alliance residents may have noticed their stack of bills to be a bit shorter this week – as if something were missing. Indeed, at least one bill – the monthly one from the City of Alliance for utilities – has yet to make it to the stack.

20 Years Ago

June 26, 2004

Just about wherever you live, parking is—at one time or another—an issue. But for those who are physically challenged, it is a much bigger issue, all of the time. Two Alliance men, who are physically challenged, say there are some serious problems with the handicap parking in Alliance and those problems need to be fixed.

15 Years Ago

June 26, 2009

It has been only recently that the seasonal appearance of mosquitoes has begun. This tends to make some citizens wonder what the city does to temper their attacks, or if the city plans to spray for mosquitoes. According to the office of Chuck Carbert, the cultural and leisure services director, in the community of Alliance a mosquito dunk or larvacide is added to many of the places in the parks and areas with standing water in order to kill the mosquitoes that might develop there.

10 Years Ago

June 26, 2014

An informative meeting on the possible establishment of a local American Legion Riders chapter for Legion Post #9 will take place. Post #9 voted unanimously at their last meeting to invite the west Nebraska liaison to Hemingford to answer questions regarding the formation of a chapter and membership.

5 Years Ago

June 26, 2019

Donning work gear last Wednesday, Governor Pete Ricketts saw first-hand the skill it takes to be a lineman, climbing one of the poles at the WNCC Powerline School in Alliance. Ricketts visited the school as part of the Nebraska Diplomats program, where he toured the facility and met with students.

*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by staff.