Blast from the Past March 19, 2025

130 Years Ago

March 22, 1895

Neglect of the hair often destroys its vitality and natural hue, and causes it to fall out. Before it is too late, apply Hall’s Hair Renewer, a sure remedy.

125 Years Ago

March 23, 1900

Leslie Fossey was the victim of a rather peculiar accident Tuesday. While unloading lumber from a car a pile of boards topped over on him. One of the fingers on his right hand was pressed backwards, breaking one of the metacarpal bones. He will be compelled to remain idle a week or so, but consoles himself in the meantime with the reflection that he has a policy in the Modern Woodmen Accident association.

120 Years Ago

March 21, 1905

Miss Mable Wiker, only daughter of a Al. Wiker, was made the recipient of a very pleasant surprise birthday party last evening at the hands of near friends, who were present to the number of about thirty, and left many handsome presents. An elaborate lunch was served, flinch played and a general social good time had.

115 Years Ago

March 22, 1910

Eight boys were taken in charge by the marshal Saturday and given a hearing before Judge Zurn. Each drew a sentence of ten days in jail, but after receiving a lecture that they will remember for sometime, were paroled upon their promise of good behavior in the future. They were boys ranging in age from eight to fourteen years, and were shooting fire crackers and otherwise disturbing the peace.

110 Years Ago

March 23, 1915

Get A Carload Of Dodge Automobiles: Lowry and Henry, local distributors of the Dodge Bros. Car, have received their first car load of these machines and have them already sold as soon as the roads permit driving into the country. Another car is ordered and will likely reach here about the first of April. The demand for the new machine is exceeding the expectations of the manufacturers and they will be rushed to capacity during the summer months.

105 Years Ago

March 16, 1920

For the third time in less than a week, the Alliance police have been called upon to locate as many “sets” of runaway boys and girls, the latest episode being the case of three boys from Lakeside and Antioch, who were picked up at the depot Sunday night by Night Police Chief Reed, following the receipt of a telegram from the father of one of the boys at Lakeside.

100 Years Ago

March 17, 1925

Dog Wakes Family As Fire Spreads: “Jack,” the faithful dog belonging to Link Davis, will get an extra bone each day from now on, and he will have a nice place to sleep in a warm corner of the house. “Jack” is a hero. He awakened the family Saturday night when the house was on fire and the flames were rapidly spreading to the rooms above.

95 Years Ago

March 21, 1930

Mr. Thompson, manager of the local Safeway store, is scheduled to appear in county court next Tuesday to face a charge of publishing misleading advertising in connection with the price of certain merchandise offered for sale.

90 Years Ago

March 22, 1935

Believe it or – blame Charley Herian. It rained ducks on his ranch near Antioch during one of last week’s hardest storms! To friends in Alliance, Mr. Herian has related that he was riding in the hills with the dust so think he could hardly see, when something thudded to the ground near his horse. Something landed a little farther over and then there was a whole series of thuds. Dismounting to investigate, the started rider found each thud had resulted from the “forced landing” of a wild duck. The ducks were still alive, but their feathers were thickly coated with mud, Mr. Herian declared. He believed the ducks had been flying high with the dust and had suddenly encountered a rain squall to cause the mud to cover them. He said a fairly large flock fell helplessly to the ground.

85 Years Ago

March 19, 1940

Police this week are investigating a Friday night break-in at the Foerster filling station at Fourth and Niobrara, which netted the burglars two radios, a quantity of tire patches, three pounds of grease, four spark plugs, a carton of candy, a battery tester and five combs. Police said entrance to the building was gained by breaking out a window on the west side of the building with a brick.

80 Years Ago

March 23, 1945

Marine Sgt. Max Merritt of Alliance, listening to a Tokyo broadcast as he was on ship somewhere in the Pacific, was started to hear the words, “Alliance, Nebraska, Fowling Rt.” The broadcast, made by Japanese prisoners of war, asked that the parents of Cpl. Norman Laursen be notified that he was in good health.

75 Years Ago

March 21, 1950

Twenty-four Alliance high school seniors, top scholars in their class, took the Regent’s scholarship examination of the University of Nebraska Monday. The examinations, which require a full day to complete, were conducted by Roy Nelson, high school principal, at Central school. Grading of the papers will be done at the University. While it is not definitely know, it is expected that one scholarship winner will be named from the group, and three alternates, the same as last year. Between 3200 and 3300 high school seniors took the examination in Nebraska yesterday.

70 Years Ago

March 24, 1955

Fourteen brand new automobiles and a number of trucks were getting beauty treatments in Alliance today as the town’s new car dealers prepared for their second annual auto show here. The gleaming new cars would scarcely need a spotlight to show them off, considering the luster of their chrome and paint. Fourteen cars valued close to $100,000 will be displayed inside the auditorium, while several trucks and other cars for which there is no space inside, will be on exhibit in front of the Municipal Building.

65 Years Ago

March 24, 1960

Clay Merrick, Alliance druggist and a major in the Air Force Reserve, has been appointed U.S. Air Force Academy Liaison Officer for the Western Nebraska area. Major Merrick will be available for appearances before civic, fraternal and educational groups, as well as high school assemblies, to talk of Academy admission requirements, the curriculum and specials activities offered cadets.

60 Years Ago

March 24, 1965

Highlighting Tuesday evening’s Board of Education meeting here was a demonstration of an improved method of teaching mathematics presented by four Alliance teachers. Mrs. Alice Nelson, Mrs. Evelyn Ware, Mrs. Maude MacNeill and Mrs. Berniece Castle lauded the new method as a big improvement over the old style entrenched in schools for decades. A testing of the new “modern mathematics” program has been underway here during the current year. The Board later voted to adopt the new course, including the purchase of “Laidlaw” books at about $3,600, through the eighth grade next year. A “revamping” also is planned for ninth grade algebra next year, and for geometry the year after.

55 Years Ago

March 23, 1970

Four Alliance High and St. Agnes junior students have been named as delegates and alternates to Boys State in Lincoln. The announcement was made this morning by Wayne Deaver, chairman of the American Legion Post No. 7 Boys State committee. Rex Peterson and George Cullan are the delegates and Mike Tolstedt and Tony Weare, alternates. Peterson is the son of Carl Peterson and Cullan’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Harry Cullan of Hemingford. They represent AHS and St. Agnes, respectively. Tolstedt is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Tolstedt, and Weare’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Joe Weare.

50 Years Ago

March 27, 1975

Guard Mobilized To Combat Blizzard: The Alliance National Guard was mobilized Thursday morning by Gov. J. James Exon at the request of city and county authorities to assist with emergency situations as the city lay virtually at a standstill under a blizzard that showed no signs of letting up at noon. Unofficial sources estimated the snowfall at about 12 inches by noon but winds from the northwest at 25 to 35 miles an hour whipped the snow into 3-5 foot drifts throughout the city and 10-12 foot drifts were reported at some county locations.

45 Years Ago

March 24, 1980

Shoplifting Is A Growing Concern: Each year businesses nationwide lose more than $3.5 billion to shoplifters, and the increasing problem has some Alliance businessmen concerned. Even though it is unknown how much money local merchants lose because of shoplifters, it is estimated that out of every dollar the consumer spends in the store, ten to fifteen cents goes to pay for items shoplifters take and to pay for security measures businesses use to fight against it. Businesses often refer to shoplifting as “Inventory Shrinkage” with losses estimated at 4 to 6 percent of total sales. “I think people in Alliance would be shocked if they found out how much money is lost here each year in shoplifting alone,” said Dick Zellaha, manager of Alliance’s J.C. Penny’s store.

40 Years Ago

March 25, 1985

Girls State Delegates Named: Tami Ushio and Kathy Roseberry have been named as delegates to Girls State 1985, which will be held in Lincoln June 2-8. Sponsoring organizations are the American Legion Auxiliary to Post No. 7, Alliance Woman’s Club, B.P.O. Does and Business and Professional Women’s Club. Named as alternates were Allison Keeley at St. Agnes and Joy Margheim at Alliance High.

35 Years Ago

March 24, 1990

Twice a month on Thursday, a number of people – sometimes as many as 26 – make their way to Rich Reynolds’ basement. With them they bring tool boxes containing wood carving instruments – and band -aids. They are members of the Box Butte Carvers. If Reynolds’ basement isn’t a complete woodworking shop, it’s pretty close. He has rigged up a tool sharpener which club members use when they need a sharp carving edge. Woodworking and carving tools line the walls. Individual members find a place to sit, pick up a chuck of bass wood, and go to carving.

30 Years Ago

March 23, 1995

Omaha Developer Hopes To Restore Drake Hotel: Opinions differ among community residents as to whether or not the Drake Hotel should remain standing. Ellen Lierk, executive director of the Box Butte Development Corporation, and Katherine Simmons, assistant city administrator, are currently working on a Community Development Block Grant application to help fund the remodeling of the Drake. The application for the grant was approved after a public hearing during the Thursday meeting of the Alliance City Council.

25 Years Ago

March 21, 2000

Major courthouse electrical components will finally be retired this summer after more than eight decades of operation. David Curtiss, a master electrician with Triangle Electric of Alliance, specified areas of substandard wiring in the courthouse during the Box Butte County Commissioners regular meeting Monday with Chairman Don Hansen absent. Curtiss reported that Dick Bacon, City of Alliance electrical inspector, plans to issue a 90-day correction order for the county building. He emphasized that, due to the short time frame, the commissioners would not be expected to complete the project within 90 days.

20 Years Ago

March 25, 2005

The Alliance Destination Imagination team, sponsored by Main Street Players, won first place in their age level and challenge at the Destination Imagination Regional Tournament in Dix last weekend, and will now advance to the Affiliate Finals in Kearney on April 9. The six-member team consists of Sydney Pollack, Stephanie Burger and Sydney Swanson, seventh graders at St. Agnes Academy; Chelsea Fielding, a sixth grader at Eastpoint School, Shauna Smith, a seventh grader at Eastpoint, and Katherine Aby, a seventh grader at Alliance Middle School. Their team manager is Elaine Bleisch.

15 Years Ago

March 27, 2010

The project to remodel the interior lobby of the Alliance Municipal Airport began over a yea ago, and according to Airport Manager Eric Lenz and Airport Operations Administrator Lynn Placek, its transformation is nearly complete. The interesting part of this overhaul is how it was financed. Lenz explained that the runways are financed through FAA funding, while the terminal area is the responsibility of the city of Alliance. With the economy in a recession, this left limited means with which to recreate the terminal’s interior. Yet, an unusual opportunity to bring in funds became clear in 2008. Their newest neighbor, the Nebraska Veterans Cemetery at Alliance had a need – earth, and lots of it. Instead of having earth trucked in from miles away, the airport and veterans cemetery simply struck a deal.

10 Years Ago

March 26, 2015

This month Redman’s Shoes is celebrating its 35th anniversary as a downtown business and a landmark for the town. Dave Pearse moved to Alliance from Kearney in 1980. At that time, the corporate structure of Redman’s Shoes gave the store manager the opportunity to buy the store after having worked there for a certain period of time. Pearse explained he only bought the one store because, once the manager purchased the retail outlet, the manager had become an owner and thus was out of the loop.

5 Years Ago

March 25, 2020

The state of education in 2020 has changed drastically in the past two weeks, with officials unsure if students will return to school to finish out the 2019-20 school year. On Sunday evening, officials with COVID-19 Unified Command, in conjunction with superintendents from across the Panhandle agreed to extend the closure of schools through May 1 in an effort to limit the spread of COVID-19. Alliance Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Troy Unzicker said APS is adapting to the changes, working to educate students remotely.

*Compiled from The Alliance Times-Herald Archives by Christine Melcher