Blast from the Past March 22, 2023

130 Years Ago

March 24, 1893

G. W. E. Klingbeil, of the Regulator store, will move into the building now occupied by the Alliance Grocery company as soon as it is vacated by the latter, who will move into the Syndicate block.

125 Years Ago

March 18, 1898

John F. Ringler, who was one of the early residents of Alliance, came in from the Platte River country yesterday noon. Mr. Ringler is the discoverer of the gold claims along the river northeast of Gering and already more than 100 of these have been filed on. Some of the quartz which Mr. Ringler has caused to be assayed shows as high as $7.20 worth of gold to the ton, and the people over that way are much agitated over the new discovery.

120 Years Ago

March 24, 1903

Dr. C. W. Kreamer, a graduate of the Northwestern University Dental School, of Chicago, has rented office rooms over Olsen’s shoe store, where he will open a strictly modern dental office.

115 Years Ago

March 20, 1908

Jim Smith, the alleged horse thief for whom Sheriff Ransom, of Kearney county, was looking for here last week, was captured at Alliance and taken back to Minden to answer the charge against him.

110 Years Ago

March 21, 1913

The farmers who come to Alliance are not at all pleased with the improvements made by the telephone company that takes all poles off Box Butte avenue and leaves nothing for hitching purposes. We can’t let the horse and buggy stand while we go into the store, because an auto might come along and scare them. The suggestion is made that the stores place hitching racks in front of their places.

105 Years Ago

March 22, 1918

The Mann Music and Art company has opened a neat and attractive store in the Imperial building, where a line of musical and art goods will be displayed. The proprietors have an excellent store in Crawford and this will be made equally good. They are familiar with the line of business and will make a valuable addition to the business life of Alliance.

100 Years Ago

March 20, 1923

Elmer Austin is nursing a cracked head as a result of an encounter with Tommy Young, known locally as the “Good Kid.” Six stitches were required to close the gash in Austin’s head. Young is held in the county jail on a charge of assault with intent to do great bodily harm. Trouble started Friday afternoon in a crap game at “Bud” Charleston’s home on First street. Austin had been drinking and in the exchange of “crap jargon” he passed a remark about “loaded” dice. He was then thrown out the back door. “Good Kid” was the object of his wrath and he started after him. “Good Kid” picked up a brick and bounced it off Austin’s head.

95 Years Ago

March 20, 1928

The Henry garage at 5th and Box Butte, headquarters for Studebaker cars, has undergone a remodeling process and also been redecorated, in anticipation of the auto show. The appearance of the corner will be much improved by the work that has been done.

90 Years Ago

March 21, 1933

Alva Roach, 35, is in the county jail as a result of his conviction in police court Friday afternoon on charges of possession and transportation of liquor. He was fined $100 and costs by Police Judge Jeffers. His car was confiscated and has been ordered sold. Roach was arrested by police last Thursday in the 600 block on West Third street. Two gallons of rum alcohol was discovered in the machine by Chief of Police George Barnum.

85 Years Ago

March 22, 1938

State Sheriff N. F. Flake wired local authorities for information concerning the methods employed to blow the doors from the vaults of the county treasurer’s and county clerk’s offices on Feb. 16, when about $175 was taken in a night robbery. Three men were arrested at Mason City, Ia., for a similar job Saturday night and an effort is being made by state police to connect them with the Alliance robbery.

80 Years Ago

March 23, 1943

Walter Bad Hand, 26, from the Rosebud reservation, was found frozen to death in the snow on Bower field at the southeast corner of the city Sunday morning. Tracks in the snow were undoubtedly those of a man completely under the influence of liquor. He turned off East Second street into the level baseball field where he fell to his hands and knees and crawled a distance of 50 feet before he became too exhausted to continue. There, with his face buried in the light snow, he froze to death.

75 Years Ago

March 23, 1948

Milton’s Self-Service Drug store at 214 Box Butte is in Milton Grosshan’s words, “the store of tomorrow, here today.” The store, radical in design will have a visual front, which is new in business building designs. Mr. Grosshans purchased the Alliance Drug from B. M. Scotten.

70 Years Ago

March 21, 1953

Six Alliance men who entered the military service on March 4 are presently at Camp Crowder, Mo., for processing and basic training. They are Robert Hyland, Milford Laursen, Jim Hashman, Leo Weed, Don Jones, and Alvin Mundt.

65 Years Ago

March 21, 1958

Three Alliance persons received minor injures early this morning when a 1957 Ford, owned by Jim Cornette of Alliance, upset eight miles west on the old Airport Road. Taken to St. Joseph’s Hospital by the emergency unit were Joe Ruffato, 22, who suffered head injuries; Charles Jensen, 23, who also received a head cut and Jensen’s wife, Beverly, 19, who sustained minor chest injuries. All were treated and later released. Cornette also was in the car but was not injured. According to State Patrolman Paul Manley, who investigated the mishap, Ruffato was driving the car. The car hit a rough spot in the road and left the grade on the left side, turned over and landed on it’s top.

60 Years Ago

March 21, 1963

Prospective patrons of the Community Concert Association here will get a preview of next year’s attractions Sunday night when the Woody Herman concert band plays on the Ed Sullivan television show. The Herman orchestra has been booked for the association’s hold concert, and will be one of a series planned for the 1963-4 season to be held in the Community Building.

55 Years Ago

March 21, 1968

Rollie Gibbon, a Northwestern Bell employee, demonstrates the new “one slot” touchtone pay telephone, a product of Western Electric Co., after its installation at the West Third and Emerson pay telephone booth.

50 Years Ago

March 21, 1973

Ben Fisher was elected president of the Alliance Rotary Club at a meeting of the directors. The Rev. Don Mink was elected vice-president; and John Barry, reelected secretary-treasurer. New directors elected are Clarence Wegenast, Ted Hamm and Earl Cummings. Jerry Beagle is the out-going president.

45 Years Ago

March 21, 1978

Jeff Jorgensen, of the Nebraska Department of Economic Development, and Roy Landis, of the Nebraska Public Power District in Columbus, both made points concerning community improvement at a meeting at the Chamber of Commerce Office. Jorgensen spoke about housing problems and Landis discussed downtown beautification and improvement. The Nebraska Community Improvement Program was also explained by Steve Frayer, field service representative for the Department of Economic Development in Scottsbluff; Charles Lierk, Alliance Chamber of Commerce president; and Kay Bandel, Chamber manager.

40 Years Ago

March 21, 1983

The Alliance Board of Education will set up a “community visitation day” to bring city residents into the Middle School and North High to see the existing facilities. The idea of visitation day was advanced by Micki Kimmel, a volunteer aide in the Middle School. Times-Herald employees, Penny Stafford, Ellen Hofmann, and Mike Stafford stuff “goodie bags” that will be distributed to people who attend the Homemakers School tonight at the North High. Cristi Cooper of Laramie, Wyo., will run the show, which is sponsored by the Times-Herald.

35 Years Ago

March 21, 1988

Before each Camp Fire group took off for its “Fun Run,” they launched balloons. Despite the wind, the balloons rose high enough that they cleared the trees and kept going. Sixty-nine individuals participated in the Fun Run at the Alliance High School track Saturday. They raised about $5000 for the Platte Valley Camp Fire Council. The money will be used for equipment, programs and a fun day for Camp Fire members and their families.

30 Years Ago

March 20, 1993

Anna-Maria Saarelainen, AHS foreign exchange student from Finland, spends numerous hours taking pictures for the Spud and the annual. She lives on a farm with a host family, Lance and Reed Dye, and their two children, Shane and Shaunta.

25 Years Ago

March 21, 1998

Heartland Net Internet Service has begun offering Internet access services in Alliance. The Heartland Net service is equipped with state-of-the art equipment, featuring fully-digital 56K X2 technology and a full T-1 fiber optic Internet connection, making Internet connection speeds to Heartland Net among the fastest available.

20 Years Ago

March 21, 2003

Ron Willnerd of Countryman Associates of Hastings reviews Alliance’s annual independent audit report with the city council members. This report looks at the assets and liabilities of the city, as well as the accounting practices, and makes recommendations. Rachel Steele, a sophomore at Alliance High School, is employed by the school administration office to operate the cameras and video equipment that transmit the City Council meetings on Alliance Public Access television channel 4. Steele also tapes the school board meetings.

15 Years Ago

March 22, 2008

Thursday evening at the Alliance fire hall, the newly emerging Native American Youth Mustang Project hosted a benefit auction and dinner. Buffalo soup, fry bread, and Wojapi were served. Star quilts, photo prints of wild mustangs, dream catchers and Native American jewelry were all up for auction. Funds collected will be used to help buy horse riding and training equipment, giving some local Native American youths a chance to learn to care for, train, and ride wild mustangs.

10 Years Ago

March 22, 2013

Monday night, the Alliance Public Schools Board of Education made the decision to approve an administrative recommendation to hire David May as the new Alliance High School Instrumental Music Instructor. According to information received by the 28-year-old new hire, he is in his fourth year of teaching. He has a Bachelors Degree in Music Education from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and is finishing a Master of Music Degree from the University of Nebraska-Omaha.

5 Years Ago

March 21, 2018

Forty-one high school juniors from Alliance were participants in The American Legion County Government Day. The day began in the District Courtroom with the Pledge of Allegiance and a welcome by County Auxiliary Vice President Luayne Weisgerber. District Judge Travis O’Gorman addressed the students about the levels of the court system and the qualifications for becoming a Judge.