130 Years Ago
March 31, 1893
Mrs. Coutant cordially invites the ladies to call and be shown the latest styles in spring millinery. Every care has been taken in selecting this stock which includes the latest designs and novelties. Call and examine goods and prices. Will show some Easter bonnets. North window W. W. Norton’s dry goods store.
125 Years Ago
March 25, 1898
All parties are hereby warned not to extend any credit to Mrs. Dora Dunn, my wife, as she has left my bed and board, and I shall not be responsible for debts contracted by her. J. J. Dunn. Dated Alliance, Nebr., March 18, 1898.
120 Years Ago
March 31, 1903
The baggage men at the depot found a contingency that was amusing and rather unexpected this morning. Sixty-five immigrants came in for work at various places nearby under the direction of Road-master McIntyre. They had double that number of pieces of baggage and while the baggage man was inside they commenced stripping the checks off their baggage to take immediate possession. Identification was finally established after much trouble, but that Burlington employee will keep a watchful eye to foreign travelers hereafter.
115 Years Ago
March 31, 1908
George Snyder and Tom Richards, being the last of the colony of Alliance boys who have been conducting a municipality of their own on the banks of Goose lake the past few weeks, returned the last of the week. They had pretty good shooting, and each and everyone of the eight has concluded he ought to be a captain of artillery, and as for George – well he has a growth of “alfalfa” whiskers that is the envy of his fellows and admiration of all the ladies. But he is soon going to the “alfalfa” district to work for the Mitchell Mercantile Co., and of course there those whiskers are just appropriate.
110 Years Ago
March 28, 1913
Forest, the two year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Essix, who was taken sick a week ago Friday, after eating too many sweet pickles, passed away Thursday morning at ten o’clock. A doctor was called to attend the child, but nothing could be done to save the little one, and he died in much agony. The father and mother accompanied the remains to Chariton, Iowa, where the burial will take place. Mr. and Mrs. Essix have the sympathy of the entire community in this sad fatality.
105 Years Ago
March 29, 1918
Schwabe Bros., of Chadron, distributors of the well known Hupmobile for western Nebraska, have opened an agency in Alliance under the personal management of M. E. Holloway, formerly with Hup factory at Detroit. A full line of the cars are in stock in the new location on West Third street, formerly occupied by the Alliance Auto supply company.
100 Years Ago
March 30, 1923
The new pipe organ for the Methodist church has arrived and will be installed just as soon as the factory expert can get here. The organ was bought from Kilgen and Son of St. Louis Mo., through the Mann Music and Art Store at the cost of $4500. It has 28 stops and 2 manuals.
95 Years Ago
March 30, 1928
An auto driven by J. W. Reinmuth an aged man from Dalton leaped over the curb and crashed into the front of the Kernan store at 311 Box Butte shattering two panes of plate glass and damaging the front. Mr. Reinmuth escaped injury, although he was somewhat shaken up. Some damage was done to the front of the car. This included a broken bumper and a slightly dented radiator.
90 Years Ago
March 31, 1933
William Benton of Alliance has started serving a year’s sentence to the Nebraska penitentiary on charges of manslaughter as an outgrowth of an auto accident near Scottsbluff June 5, 1931. Benton was the driver of a car which crashed into the rear of a machine occupied by David Ziegler. Ziegler died as a result of injuries.
85 Years Ago
March 29, 1938
A couple motored from Whitman Saturday to get married but the intended groom was slightly “soused” and Judge Romig declined the invitation to issue a license and unite them in wedlock. They filed the request for a license with Mrs. Johnstone, clerk, and she left the room to inform the judge, who was busy in another part of the building. When the judge entered the room, the intended groom was sitting in the judicial chair and they were making love. When informed by the judge that no license would be issued, the man said, “We’ve driven 75 miles to get married and don’t want to return home without it. “Too bad,” said the judge, “but you’ll have to come back when you’re sober if you want me to marry you.”
80 Years Ago
March 30, 1943
Finous Hall, 28, was sentenced by District Judge E. L. Meyer to serve one-to-two years in the men’s reformatory at Lincoln for breaking and entering and George W. Fisher, 32 was sentenced to serve one year in the state penitentiary for theft of wheat. The men were arrested at Hemingford by Sheriff Hoppes, accompanied by Deputy Sheriff Fred Shelmadine, for the theft of some wheat from a granary on the Charlotte Worley farm, 11 miles east of Hemingford.
75 Years Ago
March 30, 1948
James Hashman, 15, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Hashman who live at the edge of Alliance on West Third street, suffered a brain concussion when he was struck by a hit-and-run driver early Sunday morning. Safety Patrolman Mike Frerichs investigated the accident. He reported that James and a friend, Dencil White, were walking home after attending a midnight motion picture show. They were walking west along the north edge of the highway and had almost reached James’ home when the accident occurred.
70 Years Ago
March 28, 1953
Superintendent W. A. Schindler announced the hiring of three new teachers for next year. They are DeVonna Anne Ebmeier of Bertrand who will be speech correctionist; W. Keith Jorgensen of Kearney, chemistry; and Lila Friedli of Lincoln, kindergarten.
65 Years Ago
March 31, 1958
A capacity crowd at the Methodist Church Sunday night heard the community choir sing the sacred cantata, “The Seven Last Words of Christ,” by Dubois. Al Blinde directed, and soloists were Miss Mary Anderson, Lee Finecy and Donald Harris, president of the Alliance Ministerial Association, read the scripture and gave the invocation.
60 Years Ago
March 30, 1963
The condition of Richard W. Fredrick, City power lineman who was severely burned by feedback from a 7,200-volt power supply Friday, remained critical Friday night, according to his physician. Fredrick was helping a City crew at the power plant rig a bypass station after an electrical outage Friday morning when the accident occurred.
55 Years Ago
March 28, 1968
The Democratic candidate for Congress in the Third District, J. B. Dean of Gothenburg, made his first campaign trip to Alliance Wednesday afternoon. Dean, a 44-year-old implement dealer, seeks the office now being held by Republican Cong. Dave Martin of Kearney.
50 Years Ago
March 29, 1973
Harold Jines was elected as president of the Alliance Volunteer Fire Department association. The retiring president is Allen Heckman. Other officers elected were William Roberts, vice president, and Sam Kirkpatrick, treasurer. P. C. Weyl, who has been secretary for most of the last three decades, was re-elected. Chief Bus Overstreet announced that it has been decided to buy a new, improved “Rescue Annie.” The old one, now 10 years old, has been used to train about 4,000 people in the technique of artificial resuscitation.
45 Years Ago
March 29, 1978
Things are looking better in Washington, according to Mrs. Virginia Smith, Congresswoman for Nebraska’s Third District. She also told a gathering of the Kiwanis Club, the Rotary Club and student government representatives from Alliance High School and St. Agnes Academy that the government is moving down the road to fiscal responsibility.
40 Years Ago
March 29, 1983
Alliance Board of Education members and school administrators attended an appreciation breakfast to note their work Tuesday Morning. The Middle School Council, which is composed of 24 students, put on the breakfast in the home economics room in the Middle School. Shaun Feese, secretary of the council, addressed the board and administrators.
35 Years Ago
March 29, 1988
Carhenge’s latest claim to fame came last week when Carhenge appeared in a cartoon called “Zippy” and distributed by King Features. The cartoon is titled “Sticker Shock” and drawn by San Francisco cartoonist Bill Griffith.
30 Years Ago
March 29, 1993
Gary Tomlin lifts his glass Saturday evening in a toast to the Carnegie Arts Center and its future success. During the grand opening there were 135 in attendance Saturday night and 400 Sunday afternoon. Anyone who missed the event may visit the Carnegie Arts Center during teas to be held Monday through Thursday from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. Art work was on display of those who entered the art competition.
25 Years Ago
March 28, 1998
Mystery! Laughter! Song and dance! Near death and endless surprises and disguises are in store for you when “Sherlock . . . Is That You?” is presented by the Vigilante Theater Company from Bozeman, Montana. The company’s original work will be in Alliance on Saturday, April 4, at 8 p. m. at the Eagles Club.
20 Years Ago
March 29, 2003
A quiet diner in Kansas becomes the backdrop for humor and a touch of drama in William Inge’s “Bus Stop,” a full length play to be presented by the Main Street Players at the Alliance High School multi-purpose room.
15 Years Ago
March 29, 2008
The after-school program took a field trip to Box Butte General Hospital. On this excursion, they took a room-to-room tour, learning about such things as X-rays, the skeletal system, germs, and the value of blood donation. On top of all that they were able to see the helicopter landing pad, the hospital’s basement, and ate bear-shaped rice crispy treats in the cafeteria.
10 Years Ago
March 29, 2013
Alliance celebrated its 125th Birthday at the YMCA with Mayor Fred Feldges leading the ceremony. Becci Thomas director of the Knight Museum and Sandhills Center, recounted a brief history of Alliance. Dr. “Cork” Taylor expounded on the history of medical care in Alliance from St. Joseph’s Hospital to the new addition planned for Box Butte General Hospital. Chelsea Herian of the Box Butte Development Corporation, Kevin Horn, Chamber of Commerce president and Brenda McDonald YMCA director, all spoke and honored Alliance.
5 Years Ago
March 31, 2018
As part of a tour of manufacturing facilities though out the area, Senator Deb Fischer visited Perrin Manufacturing to learn about the company and the jobs it provides in western Nebraska. Fischer emphasized that businesses like Perrin Manufacturing play a key role in Nebraska’s economy, supplying jobs and spurring economic growth.