Blast from the Past November 15, 2023

130 Years Ago

November 10, 1893

The Pringles will play at the Phelan opera house during the races. Don’t miss seeing the races and don’t miss seeing the Pringle Comedy Co.

125 Years Ago

November 18, 1898

The Alliance cream separator station will receive milk on Tuesday of next week, upon which day the opening will occur with elaborate exercises. An outline of what the program will be on this occasion appears herewith.

120 Years Ago

November 17, 1903

Alliance Castle Royal Highlanders met in secret session last Thursday evening. When the Castle was called to order a goodly number was in attendance with two refugees in the Outer court awaiting to be conducted over the draw-bridge and become Fair Lady Highlanders.

115 Years Ago

November 17, 1908

Last Friday evening Mr. Andrew Rosewater, city engineer of the city of Omaha, gave a talk in the City hall on the questions of sewage. Mr. Rosewater spent the afternoon looking over the city and examining the plans in the City hall.

110 Years Ago

November 18, 1913

Many Alliance people will learn with regret that Thomas H. Beeson, the affable and capable manager of the Nebraska Telephone company, will leave Alliance the first of December to become the assistant commercial manager of the Norfolk district, with headquarters at Norfolk.

105 Years Ago

November 18, 1918

Myrthe C. Smith, thirteen year old son of Thurman E. Smith, editor of the Antioch News, was drowned in the small lake back of the American potash plant at six o’clock Wednesday evening. The lad, in company with his brother, Sidney, was out on the lake in a boat which capsized.

100 Years Ago

November 16, 1923

An interesting case was tried in county court before Judge Tash Tuesday afternoon. It was an action in which the Mutual Oil company, a wholesale dealer in gasoline, was suing Russell C. Miller, a retail dealer of Hemingford, for a balance of $421.17 due on account involving the sale of 39,010 gallons of gasoline during the year 1922.

95 Years Ago

November 13, 1928

Joseph Brennan and Harold Dickinson, wellknown Alliance boys, were seriously injured when an airplane in which they were riding crashed at Denver Sunday forenoon. Joe Brennan’s condition is critical and it was feared for a time that his injuries would result fatally.

90 Years Ago

November 14, 1933

Alliance High School has registered a glorious victory on the gridiron by crushing Scottsbluff on the latter’s field last Saturday. If the members of the Alliance squad do not acquire an inflated opinion of their ability, in other words that cocksure attitude that spells defeat for many good teams, they are due to go through the season with a clean slate.

85 Years Ago

November 15, 1938

The Alliance school board will offer for sale to the best bidder at 8 p.m., Monday, November 21, a bond issue of $27,500 to finance the school district’s share of the $50,000 addition to the high school. A grant of $22,500 has been awarded to the school district for the project by public works administration.

80 Years Ago

November 12, 1943

Two good dogs on the Earl Goodrich farm, seven miles southwest of Hemingford, are getting music with their meals this week and will continue to receive special care for the remainder of their days. Sunday they may even get T-bone steak. The two dogs saved Mr. Goodrich’s life Saturday when he was attacked by a Holstein bull in his barnyard.

75 Years Ago

November 12, 1948

Alliance has a new safety council and the first campaign will be held in December. Plans were crystallized Tuesday night when Edward Tinker, head of the State Safety Council and Kenneth McCaw, fieldman, met a group of local citizens and told them of the value of city safety councils.

70 Years Ago

November 14, 1953

The Alliance High School Band, directed by Dr. Paul Sell, is one of the nation’s top rated prep school musical organizations. This honor developed from a national survey recently conducted by “First Chair of America,” publishers of the yearbook of the same name which presents exclusively the organizations rated at the top in its national survey conducted state by state.

65 Years Ago

November 15, 1958

Box Butte County sugar beet growers will receive from the Great Western Sugar Company, $715,608.30 as the first payment on 1958 beets delivered by November 4. The 4,175 acres of sugar beets harvested in the county averaged 16.38 tons per acre with an above-average sugar content.

60 Years Ago

November 15, 1963

Louis Eugene Morrison, 42, superintendent of the Alliance Schools since July 1, 1955, died this morning in St. Joseph’s Hospital. He had been in failing health for the past year and a half and had been hospitalized since July 20.

55 Years Ago

November 15, 1968

A Hastings College freshman, Lea Ann Nelson, was crowned 1969 Nebraska Wheat Queen here Thursday night. The coronation and the presentation of special awards highlighted a banquet attended by about 350 persons participating in the second day’s activities of the Nebraska-Wyoming Wheat Growers Association convention.

50 Years Ago

November 15, 1973

The new Pizza Hut is open for business. This is the word received this morning from Skip Kuehl, manager of the new Alliance firm along with the announcement that the on sale beer license has been received. The grand opening event for the new Pizza Hut will be held next week and Kuehl pointed out that the delay of the grand opening is to acquaint personnel with the operations of the business.

45 Years Ago

November 15, 1978

Nov. 28 was set as auction day for two pieces of Box Butte County property by the County Commissioners at their regular meeting Tuesday. The auction, to be conducted by either Sheriff Bill Stairs or Deputy County Attorney Ken Payne, will be held from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the main floor of the Courthouse. Prior to setting the auction date, the Commissioners set what they felt was a fair market price for the property.

40 Years Ago

November 15, 1983

Three hundred forty people came away from the Farmer/Rancher Appreciation Dinner well fed, entertained and thinking about a poignant message sensitively delivered by Dr. Ron Hanson at the American Legion Club Monday night.

35 Years Ago

November 15, 1988

During the Tuesday evening meeting of the Alliance public school board, newly elected board member Tim Garwood was appointed to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Micki Kimmel for the remaining meetings of the year. Garwood requested, however, that he not be sworn in until the next meeting, Nov. 21.

30 Years Ago

November 15, 1993

Tim Walz of Alliance was one of 10 Outstanding Young Nebraskans chosen by the Nebraska Jaycees during the quarterly convention held here this weekend. Walz was nominated by the Alliance Jaycee Chapter.

25 Years Ago

November 14, 1998

Alliance area’s “Meals on Wheels,” which provides food for people who can’t prepare their own, is in need of volunteers. Sharon Woods, dietary manager at Box Butte General Hospital, oversees the preparation of meals for Meals on Wheels.

20 Years Ago

November 15, 2003

“The Holiday Season traditionally is the time we say ‘thank you’ and give back to our communities,” Beth Bourn, local Senior Corps Box Butte County RSVP Director, said recently. “We’re providing an easy way for citizens to find local volunteer opportunities and say ‘yes’ to volunteering.”

15 Years Ago

November 15, 2008

Though some who go through the court system are sent to do time in Box Butte County Jail or at the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services many others are given a chance to avoid imprisonment by being placed on probation. In Box Butte County, electronic devices are being used to help monitor those on probation. Two programs are designed specifically to monitor those who have been sentenced for alcohol-related crimes.

10 Years Ago

November 15, 2013

For most students at Alliance High School, lunch is a time to get away from the school atmosphere and enjoy a nice, hot meal provided by the school and vendors around Alliance. The new lunch program, which started in January 2012, is nearing its second year in existence and consists of a school meal, and vendors from: Sam and Louie’s Pizza, Taco John’s, Subway, Papa’s Pizza, and Grand Buffet.

5 Years Ago

November 14, 2018

Students, the public and a smaller group of veterans packed the Performing Arts Center Monday afternoon for a Veterans Day program. Two AHS alums took the stage to share some of their experiences in the military.

Kathryn Friedrichsen, Co-Publisher
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