Blast from the Past November 22, 2023

130 Years Ago

November 24, 1893

We want to notify all parties owing us that we must have all accounts that are sixty days old and over settled by December 1st either by cash or good security. We mean business for we must have the money or its equivalent. Yours respectfully, Alliance Grocery Co.

125 Years Ago

November 25, 1898

The Alliance cream separator is in operation, was most inclement weather, the amount of milk received exceeded the expectations of the representatives of the Beatrice Creamery Co.

120 Years Ago

November 20, 1903

A dozen or more Alliance citizens met at the store of J.F. Fleming last night to listen to glowing accounts of the country being exploited in Southern California by the Imperial Land Co., a representative of whom was present. Look out, boys, that it does not prove to be a land of fogs, myths and mosquitoes. You know how scores of people have left, wandered about the country and finally returned to Good, Old Box Butte.

115 Years Ago

November 20, 1908

About seventy-five members of the Order Eastern Star met in Masonic hall Tuesday evening and held a session that will long be retained in memory for its instructive and social features. Candidates were initiated into the mysteries, an extremely palatable lunch served by the ladies, and class of instruction held, same being conducted by Mrs. Aplon, of Rushville, grand worthy matron for the state, and by Mrs. Gardner, of Gering, grand conductress.

110 Years Ago

November 21, 1913

For carrying concealed weapons and making alleged threats against the life of Engineer E.L. Routh Wednesday night, Joe Davis, an ex-switchman in the Burlington yards was bound over to the next term of District court in the sum of $500. Being unable to secure the necessary bond he will be held in the county jail.

105 Years Ago

November 19, 1918

Box Butte county lacks $9,000 of reaching the $27,000 goal set aside in the United War Work Campaign for funds with which to carry on the work during the eighteen months of demobilizing the 2,000,000 American young men in France.

100 Years Ago

November 20, 1923

Editors are not the only persons who get “bawled out” when someone isn’t suited with the way things happen. Mrs. Cora Lewis, county treasurer, is chuckling over a letter from an irate non-resident taxpayer—a member of her own sex, too—who lives in Los Angeles, Cal., and recently calling attention to the fact that she had erroneously been given a discount, away back in the dead past, and asking her to remit.

95 Years Ago

November 20, 1928

A petition containing more than a majority of the signatures of the property owners in paving district No. 9 has been prepared by E.D. Mallery and M.S. Hargraves, property owners in the new district, and will be officially considered by the city council at the next regular meeting of the board.

90 Years Ago

November 21, 1933

Newton Cottrell, 26, and another man who gave his name as Don Reed, 22, both of Alliance, are under arrest at Lincoln after having, police said, confessed attempting to pass a $40 forged check at the Rudge & Guenzel store in Lincoln early Saturday night. Cottrell is wanted in Alliance on another forgery charge involving the alleged signing of the name of Arvilla M. Redfern, Alliance ranch woman, to a check for $7.50 made payable to Tom Gershon.

85 Years Ago

November 22, 1938

A city directory of Alliance, something this city has needed but has never had, is now being compiled by the H-H Directory Service, under the supervision of V.F. Hays. The directory to be printed locally, will contain an alphabetical arrangement of the names of every person residing in Alliance and nearby.

80 Years Ago

November 19, 1943

An Alliance man paid his taxes Wednesday—the first he had ever paid in the 22 years he has resided here. Appearing at the sheriff’s office, he counted out a roll of $20 bills that caused Sheriff Hoppes to blink. And when he got the top of the desk littered with bills he still had a wallet stuffed with them.

75 Years Ago

November 19, 1948

A new city well is planned on West Second street to provide cooling water for the light plant. City Manager Robert Laing told the council Thursday night that the 5000 kilowatt addition to the plant next spring will require more cooling water. The well drilling firm of Minnick and Smith will sink a test well to determine the best location.

70 Years Ago

November 20, 1953

The Box Butte County Production and Marketing Administration has been abolished and the local office will henceforth be known as the Box Butte County Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Committee.

65 Years Ago

November 21, 1958

The Alliance City Council kicked around the question of whether or not school teachers should pay for the use of City Auditorium like everyone else for about 30 minutes Thursday night before breezing through the remainder of a short agenda.

60 Years Ago

November 22, 1963

The Rev. D.D. Wiemers, president of the Alliance Ministerial Association, announced this noon that all member churches in Alliance would be open tonight and, that at 7:30 p.m., formal prayers will be offered by the pastors of the respective churches. The prayers will be for President Kennedy’s family, the Nation, and the new President and his family. The Post Office flag was lowered immediately to half staff at 1 p.m. today when news of the assassination reached Alliance.

55 Years Ago

November 22, 1968

Traffic signs, advertising signs and address signs received action by the City Council Thursday evening. Roy Keene, representing the City Schools Parent-Teachers Association (PTA) council addressed the councilmen concerning better-marked, and more pedestrian crossings to safeguard school children.

50 Years Ago

November 22, 1973

The second training session for the Volunteers in Probation Program will be held in the Box Butte County Courtroom on Tuesday, according to Dave Wegner, probation coordinator for the Nebraska State Probation Office.

45 Years Ago

November 22, 1978

For nearly two hours Tuesday afternoon the Box Butte County Commissioners studied the problem Wilbert Achziger has concerning some back taxes and interest on a lot he purchased. Although the Commissioners all agreed on what should be done in the matter, they were told by County Attorney Paul Empson and Deputy County Attorney Ken Payne that, legally, it could not be done.

40 Years Ago

November 22, 1983

Jack Proper, scoutmaster, and Jim Girard, assistant scoutmaster of Alliance Boy Scout Troop 217 will be recognized for 25 years in their leadership roles at an open house at the Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.

35 Years Ago

November 22, 1988

The Alliance school board swore in Tim Garwood and approved several items during a speedy meeting lasting barely 45 minutes Monday in the administration office. Garwood took the oath of office as the first item on the agenda.

30 Years Ago

November 22, 1993

This summer students from Alliance High School will again travel to China in the Alliance-China program. “The program was started in 1989 when Mr. Tim Walz, Alliance High School teacher, was chosen by Harvard University Worldteach program to teach in the People’s Republic of China.

25 Years Ago

November 23, 1998

Lieut. Governor Kim Robak presents Alliance representatives with Nebraska Community Involvement Program’s (NCIP) second place Community Development Award in Class V (Population 3,001 and over) during the 35th Annual NCIP awards ceremony At the Cheyenne County Fairgrounds in Sidney Friday evening. Alliance also received special awards in the Youth and Leadership Development, Community Services and Business Assistance and Development areas.

20 Years Ago

November 21, 2003

Alliance’s City Council unanimously denied a request from RTS Shearing, LLC for a contract adjustment by way of a change order, in the amount of $27,195.98 for the demolition of the Drake Hotel. The city has billed the demolition company for the 1,510 tons of material that was taken to the city’s landfill.

15 Years Ago

November 22, 2008

Trainmasters Scott Wedel and Steve Hall, along with Vickie Stenson-Mattox, being both the campaign chair of the mechanical department of BNSF and a board member of Box Butte County’s United Way deliver an $18,000 donation from the BNSF Foundation to the Box Butte County Chapter of the United Way, Medelice Wirtz, the director of Box Butte County’s United Way and John McGhehey the president of First National Bank—Alliance were also present to accept the contribution.

10 Years Ago

November 22, 2013

The Box Butte County Commissioners will convene for a special meeting at 8:30 a.m. Monday, Nov. 25, at the courthouse. The brief agenda continues items from this week’s meeting regarding Box Butte General Hospital’s construction project.

5 Years Ago

November 21, 2018

On Thanksgiving the door is opened to people who really need a meal. People Helping People, who have been serving that meal for 50 years Thursday, and invite the public to join them at the Holy Rosary Parish Center.