Blast from the Past September 20, 2023

130 Years Ago

September 22, 1893

One of Bob Smith’s gang working on the Spearfish extension, picked up a gold nugget worth $946 last week, and after giving the boys a good time left the gang and went east.

125 Years Ago

September 23, 1898

The coroner’s inquest to inquire into the killing of N. L. Sylvester was held and fixed the responsibility for his death on John Krause. The later version of the affair is to the effect that the parties quarreled in the morning and shots were fired by Sylvester; that Krause went away and returned in the evening with witnesses; that Sylvester was stretching a wire around a hay stack at the time, and that he was shot in the back while thus engaged.

120 Years Ago

September 22, 1903

A report reaches Alliance that Harvey Allison met with a gunshot accident the latter part of last week on the Runningwater northeast of here that came very nearly depriving him of the sight of one eye. He was taken to Chadron for surgical treatment.

115 Years Ago

September 22, 1908

Wilbur F. Patterson, one of the pioneer residents of this county, whose farm is ten miles northwest of Alliance, suffered a serious fire loss yesterday afternoon. The building burned was of frame, size 32×40 feet, part of it being used for a stable, part for a grainary and the balance as a living room in addition to their house. Some oil had worked through the partition on and under the floor and this caught fire, and in a moment the place was enveloped in flames. Mr. Patterson started out this morning for new lumber to commence the erection of a new building.

110 Years Ago

September 23, 1913

C. E. Gates, son of John Gates, known as “Bet you a million-Gates” was through Alliance Tuesday morning on train 41 in his private car “Superba”. He was en route to Cody, Wyo. On a big game hunt.

105 Years Ago

September 20, 1918

An “I Won’t Work” who said his name was Stanley Bijorsky, was arraigned in county court, charged with violation of the state sedition law, which requires all able bodied men to labor when employment is offered. The evidence showed that he was sent to the ranch of L. J. Schill, south of town, to answer a call for farm help. He got a square meal and was sent to the field with a team, which he tied to the fence and took his departure.

100 Years Ago

September 21, 1923

Linzie Robbins, man who shot and killed Fred Ellis, on the streets of Alliance some weeks ago, and who subsequently escaped, only to be captured this week at Vinita, Okla., will be placed on trial in district court here. Sheriff Jones received a letter written by Robins, which stated that he intended to return to Alliance and give himself up, but he had some matters to “straighten out” before surrendering. This letter, was mailed from Chetopa, Kas., at the same hour that Robins was placed under arrest in Vinita. It is believed that Robins had a plan to throw the Alliance officers off the track.

95 Years Ago

September 21, 1928

John Tschacher, owner of the Commercial hotel at Hemingford, was convicted last night in district court of shooting William Burtle with intent to wound. The jury returned a verdict of guilty after deliberating for three and one-half hours. The jury found it hard to believe that he shot in self defense, when the wound proved that Burtle had been shot in the back.

90 Years Ago

September 22, 1933

“Soup strainers” or what used to be commonly known as a mustache, together with a red bandanna handkerchief knotted around the neck in swagger style, will be used by local men as ballyhoo for the Fall Festival. The committee headed by Phil Grove says every man in town “will grow a Fuller brush, or else.” The Junior Chamber of Commerce will take on the job of enforcing the rules. They are making a cage on the back of a truck to be used as a “rascal wagon” to hustle the whiskerless males to a kangaroo court.

85 Years Ago

September 20, 1938

A four year old boy went down town Saturday morning well heeled to buy a penny bar of candy. He decided to make the purchase at the Rex Hamburger shop and offered Rex Myers his choice of a $20 bill, a $10 bill or a $5 bill. Rex took the money and called police. Later the boy’s father showed up to claim the money, which the boy had taken from home.

80 Years Ago

September 21, 1943

Here’s a bid to a pleasant evening, girls; an evening of fun and frolic with a group of handsome, stalwart army engineers. The 878th Airborne Engineers Aviation Battalion is giving a dance at the Roundhouse Thursday evening starting at 7:30. They’ve got everything except dancing partners and that’s where you come in – if you will, please. So all the blondes, brunets, titians, and red heads between here and yonder are invited and beseeched to attend the dance as guests of the airmen.

75 Years Ago

September 21, 1948

Alliance police last week end successfully put down an “Uprising” and now have seven in the city jail. Most of them are potato harvest workers who were on their way to the valley and stopped too long in Alliance. Somewhere a supply of firewater was procured. They are now in jail serving out the indicated fines for intoxication.

70 Years Ago

September 21, 1953

The Guardian State Bank was doing business today at its new location, 224 Box Butte Avenue. The beautiful new granite structure is almost completed. Employes were busy over the weekend transferring some equipment from the former location at 220 Box Butte. The former building now will be rebuilt and made part of the new structure.

65 Years Ago

September 22, 1958

Two persons are in St. Joseph’s Hospital as the result of a 3-car accident on Highway 19 seven miles south of Alliance. In the hospital are John C. Wyett, 73 of Ogallala, who has chest and leg injuries and his son Robert O. Wyett, 51 of Sidney, who has face injuries. According to Safety Patrolman Mike Frerichs who investigated the accident, a heavy cloud of smoke from a grass fire had cut the vision to zero on the highway. A car driven by Elizabeth Kampbell, 48, of Hemingford had stopped and a second car, driven by Harry L. Greenhaigh, 52, of Schottbluff, pulled up behind the Kampbell car. A third vehicle driven by John Wyett struck the Greenhaigh car and pushed it into the Kampbell machine. All three cars were south bound on the highway. The Greenhaigh car was turned completely around in the crack-up. The Alliance Volunteer Fire Department was called out to extinguish the grass fire and members were unaware of the accident. The emergency unit, which accompanies the rural truck on all calls, brought the Wyetts to the hospital.

60 Years Ago

September 19, 1963

Alliance police today are investigating an overnight break-in at Newberry’s Ace Hardware, 402 Box Butte, that netted intruders a long list of stolen merchandise. F. B. Girard, general manager of Newberry’s estimated the value of the stolen merchandise at from $900 to $1000.

55 Years Ago

September 20, 1968

Optometrist Robert W. Bowen, president of the Alliance Lions Club, is assigning his eyes, after death, to the Nebraska Lions Club eye bank at the special booth here at 4th and Box Butte. The eye bank continues through Saturday along with the annual Lions Club broom sale for the benefit of the visually handicapped.

50 Years Ago

September 19, 1973

Associate County Judge Elizabeth Failor administers the oath of office to members of the county’s new hospital board of trustees. Board members taking the oath are Leonard Peterson, Dr. Robert Morgan, Mrs. Alan Curtiss, Dr. Robert Stout and John Cover. Peterson is chairman of the new board and Cover is vice-chairman.

45 Years Ago

September 20, 1978

No, Heidi, with fire helmet in hand, and BJ Taylor are not on their way to battle a fire in the rural fire district. They’re just enjoying the ride on the firetruck driven by their dad, Buddy Taylor, Alliance Fire Department driver, in a parade down Box Butte Avenue.

40 Years Ago

September 20, 1983

St. Agnes Academy is celebrating 75 years of Christian Education this year and Sunday, Oct. 9 has been designated as a special day of celebration for this great event. At 4 p.m. a Mass of Thanksgiving will be given in the Holy Rosary Church with the Rev. Lawrence J. McNamara, bishop of Grand Island diocese, as the main celebrant.

35 Years Ago

September 20, 1988

Ground breaking ceremonies will be held at 10 a.m. Thursday for the new Alliance health care facility, now under construction at 18th Street and Sweetwater Avenue. The public is invited to attend the ceremonies at the construction site. Those scheduled to be present during the ceremonies will include Sister Christina Oleske, representing the Sacred Heart Corporation, owners of St. Joseph Gerontology Center; Gene Sanders, Box Butte Development Corporation; Dr. Donald Taylor, Jr., Alliance Area Chamber of Commerece; Fr. Ed Cortney, Holy Rosary Catholic Church; Leo Dobrovolny, vice chairman, SJGC Governing Board; Dr. John Ruffing, SJGC medical director.

30 Years Ago

September 20, 1993

Twenty-five union officials from across the state met at the Alliance Elks Club to discuss such issues as the North American Free Trade Agreement and healthcare reform. The unionists were from various lodges of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, meeting under the auspices of the Nebraska State Council of Machinists. They represented railroad and manufacturing machinists.

25 Years Ago

September 21, 1998

Bill Hoppner, Democratic candidate for Governor, told the Times-Herald during his visit to Alliance this past Thursday that his main goals are to build a better future for Nebraska’s children and to ensure property tax relief.

20 Years Ago

September 22, 2003

Several hundred people experienced a slice of what life was like in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s this past weekend during the second annual Fall Festival at Dobby’s Frontier Town. Activities and events included three speakers – Mark Twain (portrayed by Wally Seiler), Maurine Roller reading the Pioneer Woman’s Diary and Ross Boyer describing life on the Spade Ranch.

15 Years Ago

September 19, 2008

This year’s Senior Homecoming King and Queen are Amilio Boone and Rahne Kunzman. Senior Second Attendants Beau Neville and Megan Dimmitt, Crown Bearers Brantz Halouska and Shelbee Burke, and Senior First Attendants Lindsey Erickson and Jake Peltz, Junior Attendants Drew Applegarth and Stephanie Burger, and Sophomore Attendants Eliot Kozal and Billie Kunzman. Freshman Attendants Kyle Hooper and Brittany Troxell.

10 Years Ago

September 20, 2013

Todd Almond, son of Norm and Debby Almond of Alliance, is making quite a splash in the theatrical world. He has performed his musical talents in some of New York’s top venues including pieces for Julliard and providing music for many Broadway productions.

5 Years Ago

September 19, 2018

Over 100 individuals with one thing in common gathered together Saturday morning at the PAC to celebrate the life of a loved one that was lost to suicide. Out of the Darkness Walks are conducted nation wide with thousands of people walking to raise awareness and funds that allow the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention to invest new research, create educational programs, advocate for public policy and support survivors of suicide loss.