Box Butte County 4-H Celebrates Achievements

On Sunday, Nov. 7 the Box Butte County 4-H Council hosted its annual 4-H Achievement Celebration. This year the 4-H Council decided to change the event to a luncheon instead of a dinner. We couldn’t have asked for a nicer November day to gather with family and friends to recognize the achievements of our 4-H members, Clover Kids, leaders, volunteers and friends.

Following the lunch, the Box Butte County 4-H Council held their Annual Meeting to elect two 4-H Council members.

After the annual meeting, we began our awards portion by recognizing our Clover Kid youth and awarded first year 4-H member pins to Dani Bixby, Eli Bryner, Kinley Covey, Mara Foster, Kinslee Hansen, Brecken Helms, Sierra Jordon, Marshall Moseman, Ethan Robbins, Wyatt Schumacher, Bristol Underwood, Gracia Votruba, Gwen Wimmer and Gus Woltman.

Next all 4-H members were recognized for either being a part of a club or an independent member. Shawna Banks, Shelby Carr and Macala Hood received their tenth-year member pic. Youth who completed a record book this year were awarded member pins. Also recognized were 4-H 2020 graduate members, Shawna Banks, Shelby Carr, Courtney Cox, Kelsey Horton, Peittyn Johnson, Sara Knote, Jayce Meyring, Jack Payne and Ian Thompson. Special recognition went to our first, fifth, tenth, and fifteenth-year volunteers, Jen Foster, Shaylynn McConville, Lee Woltman, Tami Milne, Adam Bolek, Kristy Bolek, Collen Hood, Nicole Korte, and Keith Carter.

Youth who completed a record book were next recognized. Five record books were completed this year, three achievement applications and two career portfolios. In our Senior level, Shelby Carr received a Sheep pin, Sierra Banks received a pin in Foods, Clothing and Rabbit and Shawna Banks and Macala Hood received a certificate of completion. In our Junior Level Ashley Carr received a pin in Photography, Foods and Home Environment.

The Little Critters 4-H Club received The Club of Excellence Award and Bridget Johnston was awarded the Outstanding Leader Award.

Our Small Herdsmanship winners were, Ayla Foster-Rabbit and Katrina Karell-Poultry and Overall Little Red Barn Herdsman. In the Livestock Barn Rasine Bolek was awarded the -Beef, Sheep & Goat Herdsman, and we had a three-way tie for Swine Herdsman with Jett Herian, Jayce Meyring and Jayda Meyring. Aiden Bolek was the Overall Livestock Barn Herdsman. Thank you to all our award donors who sponsor Herdsmanship: John and Debbie Thomas, SC Party Productions, John & Carol Annen, Antioch Machine, Alliance Animal Clinic, Chester Ranch and Ackerman Ag.

Next, we awarded our All-Around Awards. Youth apply for these awards and get points for participation. Emily Johnston was the All-Around Small Animal and Livestock winner. Thank you to our sponsors, Sandhills State Bank, Larry and Barb Grant and Ida and Lyle Fodnes Memorial.

Box Butte County Junior Leaders recognized Stephanie Mantooth, owner of Steph’s Studio, with the Heart of 4-H Award. Steph is always around the fairgrounds taking many photographs of the youth as they exhibit their projects. A 4-H parent said, “Without the photos Steph takes during fair, I would not have those memories of my kids.”

This year the members of the 4-H Council awarded the Friend of 4-H award to John Hahn. John has continued his support of the Box Butte County 4-H Program by donating the large wood chips that are used for the beef bedding, in the champion row picture area and to help beautify the flower beds around the livestock barn. Thank you again for volunteering your time!

The last two awards that were given include the “I Dare You” Award and Outstanding 4-H member. Julia Wilson was the recipient of the “I Dare You” Award for demonstrating high personal integrity, kindness, responsibility and leadership roles. The Outstanding 4-H member was awarded to Sierra Banks. This award is based on the information contained in the Career Portfolio or Achievement Application that 4-H members complete in October. Judges look for leadership skills, community service, and project accomplishments in and outside of 4-H.

Congratulations to all our winners, 4-H participates and volunteers on a great 2020-2021 4-H Year!