Chairman Burke called the meeting to order in the Board Room, second floor of the County Courthouse, 515 Box Butte Ave., Ste 202, Alliance, NE at 9:00 a.m., January 21, 2025, following an opening prayer. Notice of meeting was published January 15, 2025, in the Alliance Times Herald. Affidavit of publication has been received in the office of the County Clerk. Agenda was emailed and posted on the county’s website:, January 17, 2025. Roll call: Mike Sautter, present; Brett Ditsch, present; Steve Burke, present. Martie Burke, County Clerk, recorded the proceedings of the meeting. County Attorney Marissa Curtiss was present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Chairperson Burke acknowledged that this meeting will follow the open meeting act posted on the North wall of the County Board Room. Burke moved to remove claims from the Consent Calendar, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to approve the remaining Consent Calendar, seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. The Consent Calendar included the following items: Agenda – January 21, 2025; Minutes – January 6, 2025; Payroll/Claims/Invoices – January 8, 2025 GENERAL: ACCELERATED RECEIVABLES SOLUTIONS 24.07; AFLAC 2511.32; AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORP 240.16; BMO BANK NA 49079.46; BOX BUTTE COUNTY TREASURER 89340.00; EQUITABLE FINANCIAL LIFE INSURANCE 236.07; LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 212.86; MASA 178.00; VISION SERVICE PLAN (IC) 274.96; RETIREMENT PLANS DIVISION/AMERITAS 27151.18; STATE OF NEBRASKA DEPT OF REVENUE 6655.55; ROAD: AFLAC 355.91; AMERITAS LIFE INSURANCE CORP 32.04; BMO BANK NA 8184.57; BOX BUTTE COUNTY TREASURER 2304.00; LINCOLN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE 5.44; MASA 62.50; VISION SERVICE PLAN (IC) 171.43; NE CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT CENTER 895.00; RETIREMENT PLANS DIVISION/AMERITAS 2811.54; STATE OF NEBRASKA DEPT OF REVENUE 1833.90; NET PAYROLL: 185899.68; Office Reports – Extension; Correspondence. Sautter moved to disallow $8.25 of M. Johnson’s claim, seconded by Burke. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to approve the claims as corrected, seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. No public comment on the agenda items (9:05 a.m. – 9:16 a.m.). Commissioners reported on meetings they had recently attended and upcoming meetings. Burke moved to approve acknowledgement of the Notice of Assignment with Community Action Partnership of Western Nebraska, seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to open BOARD OF EQUALIZATION at 9:16 a.m., seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to accept the Application for Exemption Form 457 for Holy Rosary presented by Treasurer Valery Bell, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Sautter moved to close BOARD OF EQUALIZATION at 9:18 a.m., seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. The Commissioners would like to begin reviewing the Box Butte County handbook and have scheduled the first meeting for January 29, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. in the Commissioners meeting room. The review committee will consist of one rotating commissioner and one representative from each department. No action taken. Burke moved to approve the change to the Zoning By-Laws, amending the meeting date from the fourth Monday to the third Monday of each month, seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Extension Educator, John Thomas, and Office Manager, Katie Carter, have requested an additional summer intern, as they have been unable to fill the Extension Assistant position. No action taken. Building and Grounds employee, Lori White, provided an elevator update. Burke moved to table CCD#009 until it can be further discussed during the monthly progress meeting on February 5, 2025, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. The Commissioners and Road Superintendent Barb Keegan reviewed and completed the Region 23 EMA Hazard Mitigation Plan 2025 worksheet. No action taken. Road Superintendent Keegan provided a road and equipment report. Discussion was held regarding the CR71 culvert replacement options and product installation. With all agenda items addressed, Chairman Burke adjourned at 11:32 a.m.
/s/ Martie Burke, Box Butte County Clerk Complete minutes, resolutions and agreements are on file in the office of the County Clerk, available for public inspections during regular business hours.
Publish: February 12, 2025