Chairman Burke called the Road Plan meeting to order in the Board Room, second floor of the County Courthouse, 515 Box Butte Ave., Ste 202, Alliance, NE at 8:01 a.m., February 19, 2025. Notice of meeting was published February 5, 2025, in the Alliance Times Herald. Affidavit of publication has been received in the office of the County Clerk. Agenda was emailed and posted on the county’s website:, February 18, 2025. Roll call: Mike Sautter, present; Brett Ditsch, present; Steve Burke, present. Martie Burke, County Clerk, recorded the proceedings of the meeting. County Attorney Marissa Curtiss was present. Following the Pledge of Allegiance, Chairperson Burke acknowledged that this meeting will follow the open meeting act posted on the North wall of the County Board Room. Sautter moved to accept the agenda, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to open the 1 & 6 YEAR ROAD PLAN HEARING at 8:02 a.m., seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Those in attendance were Commissioners Sautter, Ditsch, and Burke, County Clerk Burke, and County Attorney Curtiss. Road Superintendent Barb Keegan provided legal publications for the hearing and a summary of the projects completed in 2024. The Commissioners and Road Superintendent discussed upcoming projects and the associated costs of each proposed project. Shayleen Baumann, 6601 Knox Rd, Alliance, NE 69301, requested rock on CR66 from Lincoln Rd to Knox Rd. Doug Hashman, 1550 CR 63, Alliance, NE 69301, requested chip sealing on Jefferson Rd from CR63 to CR64. The public hearing remained open while the following regular meeting business was conducted. Chairman Burke called the regular meeting to order in the Board Room, second floor of the County Courthouse, 515 Box Butte Ave., Ste 202, Alliance, NE at 9:00 a.m., February 19, 2025. Notice of meeting was published February 5, 2025, in the Alliance Times Herald. Affidavit of publication has been received in the office of the County Clerk. Agenda was emailed and posted on the county’s website:, February 18, 2025. Roll call: Mike Sautter, present; Brett Ditsch, present; Steve Burke, present. Martie Burke, County Clerk, recorded the proceedings of the meeting. County Attorney Marissa Curtiss was present. No public comment on the agenda items (9:05 a.m. – 9:15 a.m.). Burke moved to approve the Consent Calendar, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. The Consent Calendar included the following items: Minutes – February 5, 2025; Claims; Office Reports – Sheriff; Correspondence. Commissioners reported on meetings they had recently attended and upcoming meetings. Burke moved to open BOARD OF EQUALIZATION at 9:15 a.m., seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Assessor Michelle Robinson presented Form 451’s and a Form 451A for review. A motion made by Burke to deny the Form 451A for First Christian Church for Property ID 070015031 died for lack of a second. Sautter moved to table the Form 451A for First Christian Church for Property ID 070015031 until March 5, 2025, seconded by Burke. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to deny the Form 451 for Alliance Good Samaritan Housing Inc for Property ID 070037264 due to a lack of supporting documentation, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Sautter moved to deny the Form 451 for Alliance Good Samaritan Housing Inc for Property ID 070243670 due to a lack of supporting documentation, seconded by Ditsch. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Sautter moved to approve the Form 451 for VSL Alliance Assisted Living, LLC for Property ID 070037280, seconded by Burke. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Assessor Robinson provided an update on assessment actions for 2025, no action taken. Burke moved to close BOARD OF EQUALIZATION at 9:47 a.m., seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Jim Gardner, CPA, Casey Peterson, presented the financial report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2024. Burke moved to accept the audit, seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Chairman Burke recessed at 10:10 a.m. Chairman Burke resumed the meeting at 10:16 a.m., with roll call: Mike Sautter, present; Brett Ditsch, present; Steve Burke, present. Continuation of the 1 & 6 YEAR ROAD PLAN HEARING included further discussion prioritizing the proposed one year projects. Burke moved to close the 1 & 6 YEAR ROAD PLAN HEARING at 10:39 a.m., seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Burke moved to adopt Resolution 2025-02 approving the 1 & 6 year road plan for Box Butte County with objections or alterations see Exhibit A, seconded by Sautter. Sautter, yes; Ditsch, yes; Burke, yes. Motion carried. Road Superintendent Keegan provided a road and equipment report. With all agenda items addressed, Chairman Burke adjourned at 10:57 a.m.
/s/ Martie Burke, Box Butte County Clerk Complete minutes, resolutions and agreements are on file in the office of the County Clerk, available for public inspections during regular business hours.
Publish: March 12, 2025