The Prairie Dog Advisory Board met on January 22, 2025, at the Box Butte County Courthouse, in the county commissioners’ room at 4 p.m., for the purpose of the annual reorganization of the board. Members present were Mike Johnson, Chairman, Jim Furman, Vice Chairman, Lynn Placek, Secretary, and Shawn Hunter. Tim Sherlock was not present. Weed Superintendent Brett Lauder and County Attorney Marissa Curtiss were also present. Procedure for, and the reorganization of the board were discussed and voted on. The officers will continue in place for another year as listed above.
Complaint reviews were acted upon, and recommendations were made as to whether there was a need for action by the board as per the recommendations of the investigations. The meeting schedule was set for the year, with a monthly meeting planned for the fourth Wednesday of each month, unless at the determination of the board chairman, the meeting for a certain month would not be needed. Most of the activity for control of prairie dogs happens between October 1 and March 15 of each year, making some inactivity of the board possible during the spring and summer months. Rate determination for forced control was also discussed and set for the 2025 year.
Bulk purchase of the bait poison, Rozal, was also discussed and can be ordered with Brett Lauder at 308-760-3701. The Board is determined to educate the community as much as possible how and when the board works and functions in 2025. It was noted that many residents of Box Butte County have made a grand, concerted effort to control the large 2024 infestation of prairie dogs around our county. Many neighbors are working closely together to control this prairie dog explosion and threat to our agricultural community.
The board will continue to write letters and make calls to the elected politicians, both state and federal for their much needed support and help.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 p.m.