Bulldogs and Crusaders Put on Quite a Show

The future stars of Alliance High were all on display Thursday night in contests between the St. Agnes Crusaders and the Bulldogs from Alliance Middle School. Three games were played at the Holy Rosary Parish center and saw AMS winning the varsity game while St. Agnes was victorious in the JV contest and in a two quarter C team battle. A full house saw 3 points well played and even contests. St. Agnes now sees its record fall to 1 and 1 on the year for their varsity squad.

The varsity game was first and it started out fast and furious. Five early points by Crusader Tanner Salcido helped St. Agnes enjoy an early lead. AMS counter with the inside/outside game of post player Jadon Guerra and wing player Trayson Best. Midway thru the opening period it was Bulldogs taking the lead in which never gave up. Five Best points along with 4 points by Guerra gave AMS the early lead. The Dogs also got points from Creighton Fritzler and Devonte Taylor in the period. A Cisco Cody three and a hoop by Crusader Jackson Devlin kept SA close. After one quarter of play, AMS led 13 to 10. The Dogs continued their fine play in the second, scoring on all three levels. Inside points by Guerra, mid-range scores by Best, and a three by Fritzler helped the Dogs maintain their lead. In all the Bulldogs scored 15 points in the quarter with AMS also receiving points by Preston Flores and Angel Red Nest. As for the Crusaders they would net 14 points in the quarter. St. Agnes got 3 pointers from Salcido, Tripp Johnson, and Grayson Dibrito. Three points by Crusader Jay Shelmadine and another bucket by Salcido closed with half with AMS up 28 to 24.

The pace again was fast in the third with AMS slowly pulling away. The Dogs would outscore SA in period three to surge ahead 42 to 34. Three Bulldogs tallied 4 points each in the quarter as AMS would outscore St. Agnes 14 to 10. Scoring 4 points each for AMS were: Guerra, Best, and Fritzler.

Another Red Nest hoop finished the scoring for the Dogs. Meanwhile St. Agnes would get 6 third period points by Salcido and 2 apiece from Devlin and Shelmadine. In the fourth, AMS tallied 10 more points led by 3 each by Guerra and Reese Muhr. Baskets by Best and Fritzler rounded out the scoring for the Bulldogs. St. Agnes was held to just 6 fourth quarter points. A trey by Shelmadine led the Crusader offense who also got points by Devlin and Jett Childers. Final AMS 52 SA 40

AMS 13 15 14 10 52

SA 10 14 10 6 40

Scoring for SA were Salcido 16, Shelmadine 8, Devlin 5, Cody 3, Johnson 3, Dibrito 3 and Childers 2. Scoring for AMS were Guerra 15, Best 15, Fritzler 11, Red Nest 4, Muhr 3, Taylor 2 and Flores 2.

In the second game it was SA garnering the win. The Crusader JV team downed the AMS seventh grade team 32 to 20. St. Agnes led for most of the game and was led by 8 points by Dixon Bair. St. Agnes was up 17 to 10 and half and cruised to the victory. Johnson added 7 points for SA while Cody scored 6. Rounding out the scoring for the Crusaders were Danny Jelenik and Phoenix Red Nest who scored 4 each while Dibrito was good for 3. Leading AMS in scoring was Israel Garcia who had 8 points while Cayson Nelson scored 4 points. Adding 2 points each were: Cormic Stark, Kylar Hamel, Eddie Red Nest and Xander Narjes.

In the finale it was St. Agnes coming out on top in a two quarter C game. The Crusaders best the Bulldogs 13 to 10. Six points by Childers and Trey Carter led St. Agnes while Tatum Devlin score 1. Three Dogs scored for AMS led by two 3 point goals by Bulldog Keegan Colerick. Tossing in 2 points each were Jaren Virgil and Ethan Bates.