Carnegie Announces New Exhibits

Announcing the arrival of Carnegie’s new exhibit “Visions in Color: Finding Vibrancy in the Plains” by visual artist Tammy Schuett! The exhibit is on display in the upper Skala and Garwood Galleries until Saturday, Dec. 4.

Tammy’s pieces of The Great Plains shows a vibrant perspective on the special places where the earth meets the sky. Her captivating works reveal what others may find ordinary, and may not even notice, to come alive on canvas.

She uses acrylics in gestural brush strokes to show movement and energy. There is poetry and art in the way the world moves around us if we only take the time to pause and delight in life.

Some people may look at the Plains and see only green and brown—and those colors are certainly there—but Tammy sees so much more. A pond isn’t just muddy blue, it’s the sky and the trees and a reflection of the beauty that surrounds it. A field of freshly-harvested hay isn’t just short, brown grass—it’s a playground of whimsical hay bales. A lone tree at the end of a field dances and stretches in elegant solitude. I seek to crown the world around me in vibrant color.

Her paintings illustrate how everything knits together. You may find that you experience a warm positivity and empowerment to be creative yourself. How are the trees and horizons you pass everyday moving in this world with life and vibrancy?

We want to remind folks that exhibiting in our lower gallery is “Summer Adventures Art Camp” featuring the colorful works of Bob Peltz’ students from our latest Summer Camp for our local kids. Bob, along with Kasa Sherlock lead an incredible group of students ages 7-16 years old during Carnegie’s art camp. There were 42 students who attended 6 weeks of camp and produced incredible works. Each student has one framed piece for the show.