Carnegie Announces Results of Anniversary Show


Carnegie Arts Center

The results are in for the Carnegie Arts Center’s 28th Anniversary Show! The Anniversary show is a juried and judged exhibit. First, pieces are submitted by artists for juror selection. Carnegie had 71 pieces submitted. The three-member jury selected 63 pieces from 38 artists to be in the show. There are seven media categories including: oil and acrylic; watercolor and gouache; pastel, ink, pencil; mixed media; photography; three-dimensional; and youth.

This past week, artist and WNCC art instructor, Yelena Khanevskya, from Scottsbluff, served as our judge. Best of Show went to “Let Days Speak” by Rachel Brownlee with cash award of one hundred dollars sponsored by Jason Wentworth’s Blog WentyWorld.

In the Mixed Media category First Place went to “Morning Preen” by Tom Samson with a cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Mike and Dianne McGuire. Second Place went to “3D Starry Night” by Michael Mittlestadt. Honorable Mentions went to “The Next Generation” by Tom Samson and “Forelsket” by Sydnie Waldron. In the Oil and Acrylic category First Place went to “Paradise Revisited” by Robert Peltz with cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Jim and Twila Conley. Second Place went to “Niobrara Trail Road” by Rick Yusten.

Honorable Mentions went to “5 Cottonwoods on Fall Platte” by Ben Darling and “To Good Ships and Friendships” by Jana Van Housen. In the Pen, Pencil, Ink, Pastel, and Charcoal category First Place went to “Falling” by Gretchen Peters with cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Dr. Cork and Patricia Taylor. Second Place went to “Powwow Dancer” by MelloDe McCart. Honorable Mentions went to “Glass Gem Corn” by Ann Darling and “All A’ Board” by JeanAnn Curry-Hess.

In the Watercolor category First Place went to “Never been to Spain” by Clarice Hynes with cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Charles and Ellen Lierk. Second Place went to “Pond on Grace Coolidge Creek” by Joy Price. Honorable Mentions went to “While it Lasts” by Clarice Hynes and “Rangeland” by Linda Dabbs. In the Three-Dimensional category First Place went to “When Pigs Fly” by Becci Thomas with cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Josette Nelson. Second Place went to “Driftwood Sunflowers” by Linda Dabbs. Honorable Mentions went to “Nebraska” by Pam Perry and “What Else is Left to Say” by Sydnie Waldron.

In the Photography category First Place went to “The Last Weld” by Selah Strand with cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Tim and Shannon Garwood. Second Place went to “Heavy Metal XII” by Trudy Waterman. Honorable Mentions went to “Shadow in the Time of a Discarded Past” by Garald Horst and “Rainbow over the Rosebud” by Ned Day. In the Youth category First Place went to “Six Feet!” by Carver Hauptman with cash award of fifty dollars sponsored by Earl and Patricia Jones. Second Place went to “Silent Wisdom” by Ayvrie Waldron. Honorable Mentions went to “Digital Landmark” by Kaelyn Mazanec and “Playing with Reflections” by Carver Hauptman. You will be able to see these amazing artworks on display until May 15.

Thank you to all our award sponsors. Thank you to all local business sponsors that make this huge exhibit possible. The businesses that support arts opportunities for your community through their sponsorship of this exhibit include Bruce Furniture, Seasons of Hope Counseling, and Bernie’s Hardware, Gregory’s Insurance, Alliance Grocery Kart, Western Potato, and Bates Gould Funeral Home. Also, a huge thanks to our operational grantors: Nebraska Arts Council, Nebraska Cultural Endowment, Peter Kiewit Foundation.