Carr Wins State Shooter Championship


American Legion Post 7 Commander

On Sunday, April 11, Shelby Carr received the top honor at the Nebraska American Legion District 4 Convention hosted at the American Legion Post 10 in Morrill, by out shooting 34 other qualified competitors. Doug Frahm, Nebraska Department American Legion Senior Vice Commander presented her with “The Sons of the American Legion Detachment of Nebraska Sporter Shooter State Champion 2021” trophy, along with a Certificate from the American Legion National Commander James W. Oxford.

American Legion Post 7 Commander Steve Stanec presented Carr with the American Legion Marksmanship Gold Medal Award and a certificate for successfully completing the first round of the 2021 American Legion Junior 3-Position Shooter Air Rifle Tournament qualifications held in Alliance on Saturday, Jan. 16, with a score of 539 out of a possible 600 points.

She was also presented with the Distinguished Rifleman Badge that was created by the War Department in 1884 respectively to recognize and reward members of the U.S. Army for Excellence-in-Competition (EIC) with their service rifle. In 1926, civilians were authorized to participate in the program. Distinguished Badges are awarded when competitors accrue a minimum of 30 credit points earned in EIC matches. After attaining 30 points, Carr has earned her Junior Marksmanship Badge. She received points attending Civilian Marksmanship Program National Finals, 4-H National Finals, as well as many other competitions.