Distracted driving is the act of driving while doing any other task that takes your focus off the road – texting, talking on the
Regional News
CSC Hosts Commencement
Two hundred and seventeen Chadron State College candidates for undergraduate degrees and 58 candidates for graduate degrees were honored in the Chicoine Center Saturday
Members Introduce Bipartisan, Bicameral Legislation to Expand Access to Baby Formula
Representatives Adrian Smith (R-NE) and Don Beyer (D-VA) – along with Senators Mike Lee (R-UT) and Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) – introduced the Formula 3.0
SPD Responds to Injury Accident
Scottsbluff’s Police and Fire Department’s responded to a car versus motorcycle crash with injuries at the intersection of 1st Ave and East 19th St
Agate Fossil Beds Offers Night Sky Viewing
HARRISON—There are a lot of things Northwest Nebraska doesn’t have when compared to other destinations: beaches, miles of retail shopping, professional sports teams…traffic, crowded
With Harvest Down, Nebraska Putting Limits on Deer Permits
With Nebraska’s permit quotas reduced for the upcoming deer seasons, hunters may find tags easily obtained in the past will be in limited supply.
Smith Falls Reopens with New Boardwalk
Visitors are again enjoying the sight of Smith Falls, Nebraska’s tallest waterfall. The waterfall at Smith Falls State Park, and the newly constructed 500-foot
Hyannis Area Schools Announces Hiring of Hiemstra
By Travis Hawk, Hyannis Area Schools Superintendent Hyannis Area Schools is excited to announce the hiring of Randy Hiemstra to teach high school PE
Explore Northwest Nebraska’s Story with Barn Quilt Trail
Quilt blocks tell a story, and barn quilts use the colors and geometric patterns of quilting legacies to create a visual element that shares
Regional West Brings Awareness to Roadway Safety During National Trauma Awareness Month
SCOTTSBLUFF ― Regional West is focused on bringing awareness to injury and trauma prevention during National Trauma Awareness Month throughout May. This year’s national