If you are a person who observes Lent, you may be concentrating on what you chose to give up. That’s fine, we all have
The 2025 Federal Budget Resolution
A few weeks ago the House of Representatives passed a budget resolution which focuses on changes in both tax and spending legislation. The budget
High School Students Craft ‘Mythical Worlds’ From Recyclables
Salvador Dali and others inhabit a vibrant portal opening into a multi-sided space. Tables occupy the center for study or visitors may spend time
Thirty Candles
It was thirty years ago today. During the early morning hours of Sunday, March 12, 1995, my nine-month pregnant bride went into labor. I
Reflections for the Week of March 3
Finance: Attended Council meeting Paid Council claims and completed payroll Completed and submitted Transit Invoice from January for reimbursement Attended
Reflections for the Week of Feb. 24
Finance: Attended Webinar on Skill-Building Held Department staff meeting Reviewed Public Transit grant application Reviewed IT quotes and budget Utility
Cuts to Medicaid
Many of you may have met Earl’s mother Delma during the year she lived with us. She could no longer remain living alone in
Statehood Day Memories
“Beautiful Nebraska, peaceful prairie land, Laced with many rivers and the hills of sand; Dark green valleys cradled in the earth. Rain and sunshine
Life, Liberty And A Clean Community
Gotta love mid- to late-winter variety: Wake up to 29 below, shovel five inches of snow, break out the shorts for at least one
Service With a Smile
Now and then, we get a prompt from our drug insurers to sign up for mail delivery. They can’t understand why we refuse the