My cousin remembers her mom saying, “when spring comes, you’ll know why you stayed.” In truth, Aunt Leona, my mom, and most other Sandhill
Is It Time to End the Penny?
A few weeks ago President Trump directed the U.S. Mint to stop producing pennies. The Mint produces billions of pennies every year, and in
My Bill to Protect Rural Nursing Homes
Across America, 1.3 million people live in nursing homes—including almost 10,000 of our fellow Nebraskans. Many of us have parents, grandparents, or other loved
Innovation at USPS Must Serve Rural Americans
Our nation’s founders understood the importance of establishing a universal postal system from the very beginning. In 1775, the Second Continental Congress appointed Benjamin
Keep America Beautiful Grants KAB President’s Circle Recognition Award
Keep America Beautiful hosted its national convention in Washington, D.C. earlier this month with the theme – “Together is Beautiful”. Although our local affiliate,
Reflections for the Week of February 17
Police: Attended City Council Meeting Attended Staff Meeting and LARM Insurance Presentation Met with the State of Nebraska concerning LPR permitting
District 47 Legislative Update
As we continue to advance through the legislative session, I wanted to update you on some key bills that have recently been discussed in
Abnormal Electrical Signals
By Kelly Evans-Hullinger MD Atrial fibrillation is probably a diagnosis you have heard of, if not because a friend or family member has it,
Reflections for the Week of Feb. 10
Water/sewer: Special thanks to all employees who have worked on seven water main breaks in the last three weeks – especially in the
Helping Kids Who Want to Help Others
Both of my children attended the Alliance St. Agnes Academy before entering Alliance High School. Their combined success at Alliance High School, Chadron State