A community, just like a person, is an unfolding process. Ever changing, growing and maturing, a community always needs to appreciate the present while
Gifts That Keep on Giving
We traveled a bit last week and enjoyed seeing some Christmas lights. I’m becoming my mom, who always loved it when, after moving to
Supporting Israel Critical to Middle East Peace
On the eve of October 7th, 2023, the Middle East was more peaceful than it had been in years. Just a few years earlier,
Overcoming Rural Health Care Challenges
One-size-fits-all mandates from Washington are rarely the answer to the problems Americans face, and health care is no exception. As anyone who has traveled
OFF Wisconsin
The Wisconsin monkey is finally OFF Nebraska’s back. NU’s ten-game losing streak to the boys from Madison is over. The jinx also appears to
Holiday Thoughts
I wish you all a wonderful Thanksgiving and hope you’ll find a moment in the midst of the hullaballoo to stop and meditate on
Happy Thanksgiving, Nebraska!
This Thanksgiving is a perfect moment to reflect on the many blessings we have as Nebraskans and as Americans. Our nation has its challenges,
What I’m Thankful For
2024 has been a contentious year in Washington, with its fair share of fights and drama. And while those fights get media attention, there
‘We’re Not Going to Take It…’
Rubbish culled from material meant for processing can make dumping our trash cans a two-man job. That is why we bring our landlord’s Dumpster
Salvation Army Bell Ringing Has Begun
By Patricia Jones Alliance Community Task Force: Creating Opportunity and Jessica Manion BBC Salvation Army Kettle Coordinator It’s that time of year when we