City Recognizes Public Service Recognition Week

The week of May 3 through 9 has been designated by Congress and proclaimed by the City of Alliance as Public Service Recognition Week. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the employees of the City as well as other public servants on behalf of our neighbors. I wish everyone had the opportunity that I do to see the remarkable contributions and achievements public servants are making to improve life in the city of Alliance and Box Butte County. The dedicated employees of our organization strive at every turn to not only be the best that they can, but to be as open, transparent, and embracing of our community and neighbors as possible. I am especially thankful for public servants in the midst of the current pandemic. On a daily basis I see your city, county, and state workforce finding creative ways to keep us all safe and maintain our quality of life. In these trying times public personnel are on the job risking their wellbeing to provide essential services and I am grateful to work alongside these professionals.

Thank you today and every day for your hard work and dedication.

Jeff Sprock

Alliance City Manager