City Takes Measures to Combat COVID-19

Residents of Alliance,

City Council members understand that the COVID-19 Pandemic and the Directed Health Measure (DHM) issued by Governor Ricketts continue to impact our community. Panhandle Public Health District and Region 23 Emergency Management, along with the State of Nebraska serves as advisory organizations in charge of the pandemic response to protect our community’s health and safety.

To assist the public, City staff has compiled links to various resources at the state, local and federal levels specific to this emergency for the purpose of connecting people with available pandemic resources.

Please visit to access these links.

In addition, City staff has taken measures to continue to serve our community including: expanded accommodations for customers who have difficulties paying their utility bills due to the COVID-19 emergency; deferral of payments and suspension of interest on Economic Development Loans for three months; grab-and-go books and videos from the library; grab-and-go meals for seniors from the Senior Center; as well as continuing to provide essential services.

Council reminds the public of the restrictions mandated by Governor Rickett’s DHM for the Panhandle.

A DHM grants state and local health officials the authority to issue specific community enforcement measures to help stop the spread of contagious diseases. The DHM for the Panhandle includes the

following measures:

* Bars and restaurants must close dining/public areas and can only offer carry-out, curbside pickup, delivery, or drive-through options.

* The Governor recommends anyone traveling to Alliance from outside of our State should self-quarantine for 14 days.

* Salons and fitness centers can remain operational but must follow the 10 people or less guidance, this count excludes staff. Salons must maintain six feet in between clients.

* Daycare facilities can only have 10 children per classroom, excluding staff.

* Weddings, funerals, and any other public events must follow the 10 people or less guidance.

* The following venues must follow the 10 people or less guidance: Gymnasiums, auditoriums, stadiums, arenas, large event conference rooms, meeting halls, theaters, libraries, or any other confined indoor or outdoor space.

* Convenience stores must close their seating portion, people are not to congregate.

* Breakfast bars in hotels are to close their seating area and instruct their guests to take the food back to their rooms.

* In regards to bowling alleys, there is no consumption of food or alcohol allowed in the establishment. There are to be no more than 10 people at a time and a stringent cleaning routine needs to be implemented.

* Elective surgeries and procedures are prohibited.

* Individuals that test positive for COVID-19 or who have a fever of 100.4 or above, or a sudden onset of a cough or sudden onset of shortness of breath, and individuals who live with a person that has tested positive for COVID-19, must home-quarantine for no less than 14 days from the date of positive test or onset of symptoms and isolation.

In light of the DHM and to limit the spread of the coronavirus, it is incredibly important to

* Frequently wash your hands

* Stay home if you are sick

* Cough into your elbow

* Frequently clean work areas

* Practice social distancing

Given the current events and projections, the Governor indicated that the State will probably not allow pools to open until late summer. Additionally, the City has received reports that groups larger than 10 people have been congregating in parks and outdoor recreational areas. If this activity continues the City may restrict access to public playgrounds, ball fields, and basketball courts.

Alliance’s greatest strength is its people. Therefore, we ask you to strictly follow the recommendations from Panhandle Public Health, the State of Nebraska and the Federal Government. This public emergency may last for a number of months, but once it’s over we look forward to working with you to rebuild and enjoy this amazing community. Alliance is strong, kind, generous and committed. We will get through this together!


Alliance City Council