Cleanup Crew Readies Bulldog Stadium For Season

Fans will gather to watch their Bulldogs under the Friday night lights as Alliance hosts Gordon-Rushville for the home opener Sept. 2. With all eyes on the football field, few may realize how much volunteers accomplished during a cleanup three weeks before.

Well-kept public spaces can be taken for granted. Alliance Public Schools welcomes assistance at Bulldog Stadium in what has been a late-summer tradition for years. Mothers of some of the senior football players organize the event that involves the team and their families, supporters such as the booster club, and members of the public who want to lend a hand.

Jacque Bair and Shanna Brown took charge with this year’s behind-the-scenes work. “(We want to) make the stadium look nice before our first game and scrimmage,” Jacque said.

Although some of the athletes were at the Box Butte County Fair and could not attend, Jacque noted community support is great. Some of the administration came down, she added.

I heard about the event on Open Mic and hoped to take a few pictures. Instead, I was still at the fair following the 4-H Cookie Jar auction. Our executive director, Kathy Worley, said she would be there painting and later shared a few shots. Everyone found a way to help and within 90 minutes the stadium, field and surrounding area proved presentable for the 2022 fall sports season.

Jacque has been involved with the cleanup all four years since her son joined the football team. Pulling weeds became her task this time around. Others blew dirt out of the stands, swept, gathered litter – “doing whatever we can . . .”

Crews encountered nature, bringing a surprise or two. Jacque found some ants in the long jump pit with the unwanted vegetation. Her son handled a little garter snake, “taking care of it,” before his mom saw it since she “‘hates snakes.”

Sprucing up Bulldog Stadium starts with a core group expected to participate then benefits from whoever wants to invest an hour or two on a summer evening. “This little community, they really step up and help out in ways I couldn’t have imagined,” Jacque said. “Awesome to see everyone come.”

I could not agree more. A football game brings friends and neighbors together to enjoy the experience. People who spent time cleaning the stadium to enhance that experience also exemplify Keep Alliance Beautiful’s promotion of litter prevention, and beautification and community improvement.

The gathering of athletes, families and community volunteers will not gel again like this until next August. However, parents and sports fans should watch for opportunities to ensure our high school and middle school facilities are clean and litter free. Throwing away trash from concession snacks helps the custodians. Please recycle at the event too, if possible. Treat visiting fans to a clean, welcoming environment.

While rooting for the Bulldogs or Bobcats, don’t hesitate to throw away a half-empty popcorn bag the guy sitting next to you left, or thank whoever is handling the dust mop after volleyball. Community cleanups and individual efforts all promote a spiffy sports season.