Commission Approves 2022 Bighorn Sheep Season

The Nebraska Game and Parks Commission approved the authorization of one lottery and one auction permit for the 2022 bighorn sheep season when it met Aug. 27 in Gering. The 2022 bighorn sheep season will be Nov. 29-Dec. 22.

Commissioners also drew the winner of the 2021 bighorn sheep lottery permit. The winner is Tait Knutson of Niobrara.

The Commission also amended aquatic invasive species regulations to:

• add five plant species and recategorize some species on the AIS list;

• define that boat drain plugs must be removed when leaving a Game and Parks launch site;

• define that aquatic plant material and any lake water cannot be present on vessels or trailers when entering or leaving a Game and Parks launch site; and

• address inspection requirements and decontamination procedures when AIS are found

Additionally, the commissioners heard a report on water issues, including instream flow appropriations. They heard updates on the progress of the depredation program, the agency’s media and social media efforts, and a report on fishing permit sales in 2021 compared to 2020.

Donald (Tad) King made a special donation in memory of his late wife, Linda, to the Nebraska Game and Parks Foundation in support of the bighorn sheep program. The Nebraska Big Game Society also was recognized for its donation to the Commission for big game conservation.

Two Game and Parks staff members each received an Employee Enterprise Award. Sam Wilson, carnivore and furbearer program manager, was recognized for his innovative mountain lion research. Monica Macoubrie, an outdoor education specialist, was honored for developing high-quality education programs and resources, especially during the pandemic.