The Alliance, Nebraska City Council met in a Regular Meeting on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. Present were Council Members McGhehey, Mashburn, Mischnick, Weisgerber and Liptack.
Council acted on and/or discussed the following items of business:
1. Public Educational Presentation by Carver Hauptman.
2. Approved the Consent Calendar. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
3. Approved the Conflict Claim in the amount of $498.20 for Mayor McGhehey. Ayes: Weisgerber, Mashburn, Liptack and Turman. Abstain: McGhehey. Motion carried.
4. Adopted Ordinance No. 2990, which approves and amends the City of Alliance Municipal Code Chapter 26-127, titled Restricted Parking. The amendment will allow for the “no parking” restrictions at 9th and Big Horn Avenue. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
5. Adopted Ordinance No. 2992, which approves and amends the City of Alliance Municipal Code Chapter 26-127, titled Restricted Parking. The amendment will be for two “no parking” spaces on Niobrara Avenue between 5th and 6th Street. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
6. Approved Resolution No. 25-06, which accepts and approves the Preliminary Plat for Karell Addition, a 9.14 acre tract of land described as Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 34 and Part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 35, Township 25 North, Range 48 West of the 6th Principal Meridian, Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
7. Approved Resolution No. 25-07, which accepts and authorizes the formation of the Volunteer Youth Program (VYA) Board and allocate $5,000 from ACE Reserves. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
8. Appointed Dan Kinser, to the Board of Adjustment with the term ending December 31, 2027 and Scott Deibler, to the Golf Course Advisory Board with a term ending December 31, 2028. Ayes: All. Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
/s/: John McGhehey, Mayor
Attest: Shelbi C. Pitt, City Clerk
Complete minutes of the Alliance City Council may be viewed by the public during regular work hours at the City Clerk’s Office, 324 Laramie Avenue, Alliance, Nebraska.
Publish: January 29, 2024