
Men and women have sure shown raw courage in many events over time. People have jumped into raging rivers to rescue someone trapped in a car.

Firefighters go into infernos to try and save people. Soldiers in battle have jumped on hand grenades to save their comrades. Women will sacrifice all to save their baby’s life. But sad to say when it comes to facing oneself our courage runs out the back door. Of course there are reasons for this.

The devil filled us with pride and pride doesn’t want to give up the throne. There are other reasons also. We are born enemies of God and naturally think God doesn’t care for us because of our actions. Also maybe, just saying, if we give up on ourselves what have we got left? Maybe some fear there.

A Christian is so blessed because God’s Spirit has come into one’s heart and showed them that there is no good in them, showed them to depend on God instead of themselves.

It is the most gratifying thing, one realizes that they need Jesus and Jesus in on their side instead of some one standing over them and judging them. If you live for yourself it will be your demise, if you live and depend on Him it will leave you with abounding joy all because HE LOVES YOU!!! God doesn’t love us for our greatness, He loves us for our neediness!